Pic's of your team/climbing

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A B.S. in turf-grass. Wow, just imagine the possibilities. You could mow my lawn. I've been wanting to fire that zit-faced scrawny neighbor kid for years now and since I've got a replacement, maybe this year is the year I can do it. What do ya say Ass ist, you wanna mow my lawn? I don't pay shat but your gonna have to get used to that anyway. Turf-grass, jesus man, good luck.

P.S. I'd take my chances with Florida16's shortened education than your 4 year turf-grass. I'd also bet that your still a virgin.

Florida's trying to fit in, don't come in here and put him down.
If you wanna be an ass, (which by the way, im sure your a pirate of) make fun of me. I deserve it, not Florida16.
Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
A B.S. in turf-grass. Wow, just imagine the possibilities. You could mow my lawn. I've been wanting to fire that zit-faced scrawny neighbor kid for years now and since I've got a replacement, maybe this year is the year I can do it. What do ya say Ass ist, you wanna mow my lawn? I don't pay shat but your gonna have to get used to that anyway. Turf-grass, jesus man, good luck.

P.S. I'd take my chances with Florida16's shortened education than your 4 year turf-grass. I'd also bet that your still a virgin.

Florida's trying to fit in, don't come in here and put him down.
If you wanna be an ass, (which by the way, im sure your a pirate of) make fun of me. I deserve it, not Florida16.

Lmao...you gotta be kidding me. I'm not going to stoop to childish arguments with the likes of you. I don't bite when someone's trolling.

Apparently you have never heard of being a golf course superintendent. I know of many superintendents that are salaried around $100,000 a year.

I'm not going to make fun of you, and I'm not trying to be too hard on Florida, I just don't want him to make mistakes that he's going to regret later down the line. Who knows, he may become a hell of a climber, climb his whole life, and be as happy as a clam. If that happens, I'm all for it...you gotta look at the whole picture though.
it was your last reply that stirred my anger. sorry, he's just been taking alot of chit for his thread. enoughs enough. i'm sure you understand.
Originally posted by AssistSuper
Your "mentor" sounds like a complete yayhoo. Why the hell was he poking his finger down in his wound? Did he want to get it infected? Is he mentally ill?
It's possible he was curious whether "stoned to the bone" really meant the bone was stoned.
Re: What's wrong with spikes??

Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
So your telling me there are other ways to get in the tree. Nice!! I've been meaning to find another way as most of my customer base gets pissed when I spike up their tree's. I usually have to make some stuff up like, "oh, don't worry about that, it's good for the cambium, it promotes new growth." They usually eat it up. If anyone here could help me in learning alternatives to spiking, that would be great.

guys don't reply to this idiots posts he's obviously a troll..don't get sucked in ..i wouldn't mind guessing this guy is something to do with ..TREESCOMPANY ..and ..THEBESTGM..:angry:
florida16 ..take this anyway you want !..your so called buddy mr cut himself 3 times :confused: and the rest of your teeny bopper crew /outfit [yeh i can call you that im old enough too lol]..are doing you no favours ,you my friend are a hack,no ppe ,and i guess no IDEA about tree 'BIOLIGY' imo a guy with no idea of CODIT and bioligy etc should not be running a treeservice or PRUNNING trees..your doing a lot more harm to the trees and your reputation than you can imagine !...you need proper training in climbing trees the safe way either at a training center or with an exsperienced crew 1 or the other your 21 year old friend has not got the knowledge /exsperience to teach you period..look my friend i havent cut myself in nearly 20 years in this game came close a few times,saved by ppe[im still only talking a max of 3 -4 times] your pal has cut himself 3 times so far ..[silky cuts don't count :eek: ] all guys like me and others are doing is trying to help you and save you from a seious accident and help you become a proffesional tree man with some old fashioned hard no beating around the bush advice

best wishes rolla
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Actually the kid is too young to be running power equipment by regulations set by the department of labor.

A 21 y/o with 3 saw accidents???? run away!!!!
I've been climbing and running saws since the mid 80's and have only cut my pants once!

He aint teaching you anything but how not to do tree work!
JPS thankyou for reinforcing my thoughts..overheere you have to 18 to use power equipmant and then only with certificated training
i'm surprised at you guys........

you really need to look closer at the pic's. i think thats rocky in the wife beater and ball cap.
Lmao that's a good one.. Where's that guy been...

Obviously mr artifarts is a total troll. I'll vote for a vote to ban if anyone else cares to get it moving. What a turd.
I wasn't trying to be over critical, I just saw an immense amount of things going wrong. I can come across a little too harshly I suppose; just remember it was suppose to be some form of constructive criticism. Well, thats me just a rocky jr. Mr Cackhole! :)
What tharr is a "wife beater" you mean singlet right?

Morning Chad.

Did I get around to thanking you for your imput on my first ever palm?... Thanks it went ok..

Sure I used spikes on the top , I hope ive done no damage, looked allright to me, hardley tell in the rough/hard exterier...

The flip line seemed to do more harm than I thought it would, I guess cause it was damp (lack of sun/air), and when it all dries in a couple of days it'll look all right..

Im not going to indulge the trolls curentley chitstirring, I would plead with you to listen to the real fellas here about PPE, and the proffesional apperance...

You will look back on this place in ten years, if you red some of your posts, the way we read your posts, I hope you will have the same veiws as we do...

I pizzoff more people than I care to mention with my SAFETY FREAK out look, in a tree I am a loud mouth barstard.."ALL CLEAR!?"......"CUTTING" People hear me for miles around, I get most of my work from the spectatoirs...

Pays to drink plenty of salt replaceing energy type drinks..
I can understand your not likeing to work in the heat..Summer here has nearly gone full blown, next months gunna be a horror!

I did the palm in my arbor pants and still had overalls on, Helmet glasses visor and four sweat bands, carrying a 7 or 8 kilo saw, in 35* (C) thats about 90*F for you..(i think)
Bloody hot, works for me..

no gloves on in the shot, I find it hard to work with them, even my cut resistant ones, to slipery! they fill up with sweat and it dribbles down your arm when your cutting above your head! (dont you hate that) ..And that IS a safety issue I can call..The only thing I would like to see in this shot is 2nd POA on...

First off I did, but had to loose it, kept getting hooked up!
I am cutting above my head at times (nature of palm work?) I trusted that my wire core flip line would hold me..

At least I was concious of the potential risks involved, something you should address..QUICKLY!..

Rave over, Ill post the other shots on the palm thread I started..cyuz..Derek..

Ps Read my sig again!
Great post Derek...I look back at my posts when I was the exact same age as Chad and I shake my head. I'm not much older now, but the difference between a 16 year old and a college student is huge. I was so cocky, immature, and I wanted to be just like the big boys. Chad, you'll get there. Hell you're ahead of me in arboriculture. I don't know if I'll actually ever be able to climb because of my back...hopefully it'll heal by the time I make the decision to go for that degree.
Thanx there Assist, Welcome aboard!, I would love to know lots about turf, allways tring to rectifiy the mine we live in!,,,Grass is nice:D

Love to share my work with you all,but take it far to seriously to be drawn into debate with the trolls, please leave me alone, if you want a fight..I'm just to tired these days to partisipate in needless attempts at humour,

If you have some constructive critisism, good or bad is cool :cool:
allway willing to see how others would do it..go see whadja do today, some imput would be great..Derek..
I appreciate the welcome Derek. Haha...if you need any help regarding turf...I'm more than happy to try. I've still got 3 1/2 years until I have my degree, but I'm acing my intro to turf class, so I have at least some knowledge. Hope to learn much much more about arboriculture.

I get jealous looking at all the pics of you guys 70' up in a tree cuttin'. :(

Man! I feel for you having to climb those big date palms. Whomever planted those where a bucket truck couldn't reach was not a smart fellow.
Maybe you don't have a bucket available. If not then save that money b/c those thorns will get you. I speak from experience w/ those bad boys.
No tree have i ever been as uncomfortable in as a palm, especially tall skinny ones. Coconut palms, curvy, old, and loaded full of coco's are the absolute worst; especially w/ some wind. Hate just settin back on the lanyard and spikes as well. And cutting above shoulder height as far as i'm concerned is just about an necessity.
As far as spiking palms, IMHO go for it. If production and profitability matter even one bit, I don't see it as an option to go any other way.

Great post though derek. Be safe, and have fun running that big saw in your face. Whoa! watch out for that snake, rat, cockroach,palmetto bugs,ants, squirrels, bees and any other nasty things you can imagine.
Originally posted by AssistSuper

I get jealous looking at all the pics of you guys 70' up in a tree cuttin'. :(

If it was that easy everybody would be doing it!

Dont get me wrong I love the ugly ones the busted hangers (pics later)The taller the better, This is me at about the top of a 45m (think about 150 feet), ...

Take your time with the height, start off slowley as soon as you trust in your gear , this will take a while, you'll be right..

There a tree in a Sherrills cat (older one) with "wheres Andy" in it...[2003,12th edition]

I want to go there..275 foot tree( about 84m)

Highest iv'e been is proberly 50m 165 feet up..

This was a MONSTER...
Oh trust me Derek, I know how difficult and how much knowledge it takes to do tree care. Back in my days before I really got into turf, I used to think turf was a piece of cake. Boy how friggin' wrong I was.

I've never climbed trees, except of course as a little kid. I've been to climbing walls and out to day-trips at ropes courses. I went a few weeks ago and was about 40 feet up a telephone pole and I'm thinking man, I wish I was in a tree.

I have a huge respect for the industry and for the danger. There is no way I'm going to endanger myself by going out climbing yet...I need to find out a way to learn first...digging up threads right now.


Awesome pic, BTW.
Hey TJ, we must of been typing at the same time..I dident mind the job, a couple of holes are a bit sore from some spikes, I think it was planted in 1918, theres a etched stone on the wall..

They wouldent have any idea back then what it would do one day..
I would love the owner to put green colored lights under it..
I should hit him up to put xmas lights in it.

The big saw does a fine job, Jonsered 625 rocks (way to cheap Aussie), but yes be carefulll with it above your head..The crap I wore cutting it was everywhere, love my PPE!

A couple of hundred bugs in it but ya get real used to critters walking all over you..In these parts anyway,,

I carry an eppi pen with me, also carry sutures,local anathesic, and bite kitts, Not talking chances with our critters

The Goannas can be as savage as the Koloa's, still think I should be alowed to cary a gun in the trees,(got a pocket in my gogogadjet vest for one :D ), proberly should get some if that wasp spray to. Dident know they made it (sherrill catalogs are great.)

Same tree, had to come down..refuel the saw GET A DRINK..
my own groundie again..Derek..Try 2 on the pic?
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