Pine removals in Knoxville, TN

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ArboristSite Operative
May 7, 2006
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I was contacted by a couple down the road about removing several s. yellow pines (all over 70ft, close to the house) and a hemlock and maple. A few of the pines are at least 18"dbh and i feel would get several logs for lumber out of them. I have gotten them quotes for removal, but looking to try and reduce the cost was thinking we could haul the logs off for 2x4s or something.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in taking these logs to the mill (cut to length on site for pickup). if you wanted to do the whole job and take the logs for lumber, that would be great! I would say you could get a decent load out of them and not sure what prices are at right now and if this would even be worth it...

Please PM me if you are interested in more info and might possibly think this will work out.

i used to know a trre guy in knoxville.

he took them to a lumbermill all the time.there is a sawmill guy that does on sight removals down there.let me see if i can get his #.some friends of mine in farragut just used him.i'll be down in a few weeks i hope.
Cool, well if youll be down that soon and wanna do the work, maybe we can work something out...

either way, let me know aobut the sawmill guy, ive got another dude with several oaks that could prove profitable!
Are you wanting someone to come in and take the logs after you get them down or are you wanting someone to take them down for the logs? If you want someone to just pick up the logs I know a guy that would want them.
"If you want someone to just pick up the logs I know a guy that would want them."

I could have them cut to length on site and ready for pick up if thats how this dude would want it to work. I was hoping to sell the logs for a few bucks so we can help offset the removal cost. I can get sizes and all that if needed for an estimate of the price. This project is just off Northshore in Knoxville.
I am very interested in getting his contact info!
wher off northshore?

i'll be visiting the ex wife on keller bend rd when i come down.i practically grew up in that sure has gone to hell lately.used to be a nice quiet area.