please help 064 av

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Im going to get it fixed for sure just not sure what rout to take as in new flywheel (the one with 2 keys?) or new coil or both because im pretty sure thats the coil i have as far as the compression goes if you guys think a new set of rings would clear things up then cant go wrong there Maybe i should just go get my saw from the shop and take pictures of the 2 parts what i dont wanna do is order the wrong thing as esentially the last 150$ shop bill was not knowing what the problem was
moetank said:
Im going to get it fixed for sure just not sure what rout to take as in new flywheel (the one with 2 keys?) or new coil or both because im pretty sure thats the coil i have as far as the compression goes if you guys think a new set of rings would clear things up then cant go wrong there Maybe i should just go get my saw from the shop and take pictures of the 2 parts what i dont wanna do is order the wrong thing as esentially the last 150$ shop bill was not knowing what the problem was

My friend I see your point exactly, odd them boys are having a tuff time with your saw. If I were you I'd tellem to merely order the right parts and you'll put them on. Its a piece of cake, you don't need to be paying them guys any labor. If you get the parts from them and do it ya self you'll save money and in the process get a great sense of pride that you fixed ole besty up yourself. You got a whale of a saw there, I got one and I wouldn't sell it for 500.00. It runs perfect and never misses a lick. Yours will too.
problem is they dont know what parts i need either sort of a trial and error thing going on here learn as they go I just got lucky that someone else brought in a 064 and we could try his parts If they order the parts and there the wrong ones you think they will still charge me for the part?
moetank said:
problem is they dont know what parts i need either sort of a trial and error thing going on here learn as they go I just got lucky that someone else brought in a 064 and we could try his parts If they order the parts and there the wrong ones you think they will still charge me for the part?

Hmmmmmmmm sounds like they are abit confused as what is what and thats not good. Here's whatcha do. Tell them cats to get the serial number off your saw and call their main distributor and let their main tech tell them exactly what part that saw takes. They shoulda done that in the first place if they weren't sure of what part was what. Once the main Stihl distributor tells them exactly what coil or flywheel you need you can rest assured of getting the right parts. That serail number on that saw has all the information the main Stihl distributor needs to get ya the correct parts.
Theres also a guy on here name Lakeside that I think is in your state. He would love to get his hands on your saw and fix it. He knows his Stihl's like the back of his hand. You may wanna ask him if you could send it directly to him, no doult in my mind he will treat you more than fair and only put on the saw what it needs. There's ya best two routes to go my friend. I'd give Lake a shot first before taking the other route but either route will get you a fine running 064..........
Check out the attachment and try to identify the coil type you have. The 064 only has two flywheels and 4 coil types (and Thall is right - the numbers on the wheel mean little). What is the serial number of the saw?

Sure, I can help you. I'm in Woodinville, just east of Seattle. You can ship it to me or come down one day and I'll look at it. PM me if your interested.
Lakeside53 said:
Check out the attachment and try to identify the coil type you have. The 064 only has two flywheels and 4 coil types (and Thall is right - the numbers on the wheel mean little). What is the serial number of the saw?

Sure, I can help you. I'm in Woodinville, just east of Seattle. You can ship it to me or come down one day and I'll look at it. PM me if your interested.
Good job Lake. I felt for sure you would help that man out.
you guys are awesome more help than anyone has been so far ill pick the saw up from the shop asap and get the number off it thanks again
serial number

Ok I think I got the right number 120254509 I have the saw now so i can find it if its wrong I will also get some pictures of hte fly wheel and coil my flywheel does have 1122 400 1204 stamped in the back the 1204 has an oval around it but as you said that prbly doesnt mean anything

Ok i took pictures of the flywheel and coil prbly wont help much but worth a shot the coil says IIDA on the top japan below that then a contact point then stihl but it doesnt specify if its the standard IIDA or the other one Trying to figure out if these two parts go together or not or if they are correct for the saw both look as though they have been in there a long time and working so just seems odd could the problem be something different maybe the coil just went bad and its not the wrong one although it did run with the coil and flywheel from a diff 064 but both the coil and flywheel looked diff
moetank said:
Ok i took pictures of the flywheel and coil prbly wont help much but worth a shot the coil says IIDA on the top japan below that then a contact point then stihl but it doesnt specify if its the standard IIDA or the other one Trying to figure out if these two parts go together or not or if they are correct for the saw both look as though they have been in there a long time and working so just seems odd could the problem be something different maybe the coil just went bad and its not the wrong one although it did run with the coil and flywheel from a diff 064 but both the coil and flywheel looked diff

That coil looks correct from ther shape of it. The flywheel however I can't tell. I do notice the key notch in it looks alittle big and not cut square. I'm wondering now if you just had a loose flywheel. That would cause some of the problems you been describing. Lake will look at those pics I'm sure and he'll be able to tell you more about the flywheel key slot. It looks alittle wierd to me but maybe its just me. Hang tight, he'll be on here in abit..