Please post pictures of your Wood shed.

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Here is one of my woodsheds not a real good picture but the only one i got . You can pickup these old stock trailers dirt cheap at auctions and work great for storing firewood .

I covered my 8 cord pile of wood the first year I had the boiler with a tarp, and it was a major PITA when it got 3ft of snow and ice on it to get the wood out!

I ran across a 52ft box trailer for free the next summer, all I had to do is get it off the dudes property. Well....demo saw, a set of torches, a little framing and a few sheets of tin later, viola....a $200 shed that holds 10-12 cord :clap:

I had to chime in, because I'm in the same boat. These are great ideas and I need alot of them to figure out how I'm going to design mine, as you can see, we get a little snow here. Keep 'em coming!<BR>
This is a temp wood shed, some white fir rounds w/a metel roof, thrown together to get me through the winter!<BR>
<img src="">

Well if you're out in the boondocks here's our white trash special. While splitting we throw our wood onto a gravel pad...wood is in a big long pile haven't stacked wood in a very long time, a real time saver.
Here's mine.

Aaah you need to get the wood in the shed MR! LOL! Nice setup!:cheers:

Only reason mine's facin out is so I can shine the lights from my truck into it when I drive up for night loading.
Here is what I did: 12'X20' addition to my existing shop 75' away from the house 95' of pipe around the trees. I nosed the front into the addition and is working very well. I can enter through the shop or the 8'x8' garage door. The eaves and ridge cap are all open and the door is left open in the summer to allow for some air movement. The roof is completely clear Suntuf panels which allow a lot of light in so I don't have to turn on the lights until dark.

1st pic: view of the addition & the start of next years wood

2nd pic: view of the boiler from the outside. Haven't decided what to do for skirting around the base as it keeps the wind and snow out of the building, but what is pictured will do for now.

3rd pic: view on the inside. I'm going to get an exhaust fan with louvers and place it to the upper left of the stove with a switch to evacuate the smoke when loading. Since I'm a distributor for them it shouldn't be too bad, we'll see. I also enclosed the water gauge so I could see and fill from the inside. You can see the white box covering it from pic 2, used pvc trim to seal the outside and to make the gauge cover.

4th pic: view of my 10+cord ready to burn. I also installed the halogen light on to the wall with its own switch. Makes it very handy day or night to see inside the stove.
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Just a lurker, but this one worked for me. 8'X16' lean-to with a metal roof for shedding snow. Holds about 5.5-6 cords comfortably. Consider full lattice sides for faster drying. Most of my wood is from dead standing red oak- it's already partially dry when cut.

Happy winter!

Nice job!
.......I know what I'm doing, come april.
I posted this in another thread but here's another picture. 8 x 16 holds about 5-1/2 to 6 cords depending on how high I stack it. It was built from rough-sawn 5x5 and 4x4 posts and 2x6 rafters off my sawmill, and six sheets of 3x12 galvalume metal roofing. Total cost of materials about $250 for the roofing and the Timberlok lag screws holding it all together.

here's my temporary one , plan on building a 8x16 , but this one was free , holds about 2 cords

Awsome Shed!! I live in Orange cty. NY And I hope i never have put on a pair of snow shoes to fetch some wood. The only time I've worn a pair was to tag along w/ my buddy on his trap line! Kudos to you, winters are that bad over there? Just finished dealing w/ an ice storm mess. Happy Winter to you too.
Just a lurker, but this one worked for me. 8'X16' lean-to with a metal roof for shedding snow. Holds about 5.5-6 cords comfortably. Consider full lattice sides for faster drying. Most of my wood is from dead standing red oak- it's already partially dry when cut.

Happy winter!
I built mine last year. About 85% of it arrived at my place in log form. I had a portable mill come in and cut the lumber the previous year. the structure is Ash and Black locust. The siding and roof are basswood and Aspen. I built it on top of treated 6x6's on a pier type foundation. It is so nice to not have to mess around with tarps anymore!
I built mine last year. About 85% of it arrived at my place in log form. I had a portable mill come in and cut the lumber the previous year. the structure is Ash and Black locust. The siding and roof are basswood and Aspen. I built it on top of treated 6x6's on a pier type foundation. It is so nice to not have to mess around with tarps anymore!

nice shed

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