Poison Ivy

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Bad stuff

I had that stuff wear me out on a removal one time. totally miserable for two weeks.
The worst case I got wasn't from climbing and cutting it, but from stump grinding. I got it all over my arms, face and in my sinuses.

After having my eyes swollen shut twice and a couple trips to the doctor for shots, I did a ton of research on the stuff.

TechNu . . . the best stuff there is to remove the oils.
You must wash within a few hours. It takes several hours to fully penetrate your skin.

The oozing is not contagious and won't give you (or anyone else) more poison ivy rash. Your skin is in different thickness and it can take longer for some areas to finally react, so it seems that you are developing a new rash from the oozing.

The oil can stay on clothes and tools for years.

I've read that you can't build up an immunity, and in fact with each dose you become more allergic.

If you get it real bad, just go to the doctor for a shot, some drugs and special cream, forget about all the over the counter stuff . . . it will be the best money you've ever spent.
cut the vine, immediatly take a bath in carb cleaner, repete if nessary, lol you'll never get the rash if u fallow my directions...

note to self, do NOT put carb cleaner on balls ever again
Hey YO, Neighborstree, Pats or Ginos?

Never.......And I mean never ever burn PI!

I deal with it all the time and usually have to get it in a scratch/cut for it to affect me.

I usually hack about a 1' section out of the trunk of the Ivy and kick it away. Next I fell the tree in the proper manner and hook a chain to the trunk section of the ivy, It will impregnate rope, use a chain.

Next, hook the chain to the truck and strip the Ivy from the tree and drag it somewhere where the neighborhood kids can get to it.:)

And you can now cut up yout tree.
ginos. and yes ! doooo not burn poison ivy, the spoors will devolep on the inter lining of your lungs and you will be wishing you listented to me lol
I believe most drug stores carry Tecnu. Try CVS or Rite Aid. The brand name is Oak-N-Ivy. Tecnu sometimes comes as a package with CalaGel. CalaGel works similar to Calamine lotion but much better with the itching sensation. If you have trouble finding it, send me a PM.
Another victim of "dormant" poison ivy contact here. I can usually handle the stuff manually with only mild outbreaks, but I seem to be more sesitive to it in other places of my anatomy. A few years ago, I got a stripe of the stuff diagonally across my face, worst near my tear duct. I suspect the stripe effect was due to chain sling-off - another reason to watch your stance (as though laying your face wide open from kickback ain't enough, eh?)
How about utilizing poison ivy in chainsaw training classes? Could be used for improving stance mechanics. :hmm3grin2orange: