Oh great I just threw up in my mouth again... grrrrrr
And I got creeped out all over again!! lol.
Oh great I just threw up in my mouth again... grrrrrr
Any experienced interrogator will tell you that one of the things that set off bells that someone is telling a lie is they ad [sic] in too much detail.
Well I'm not being interrogated, if I were I'd have a lot less to say. Did I ever tell you about the Grizzly bear I wrestled? I pinned him twice.
I'll go if we can bring a giant catapult, and ratchet strap you to the seat of the steiner too!!
Just my luck, I'd sail over the pond and land on the ground where it hurts. You'd probably aim for a tree just to be extra mean.
No, you and the steiner have suffered the trees enough indignity already.. I would look for a nice parking lot probably.
Yeah I saw the photos with the swords.
what are you accusing me of jeffy I don't play with swords other than my own and hardly pose with guns ever either so what am I missing ?You saw the photo's and you are a people person. So why don't you know that 101 and MDS had nothing to do with it? Scott even told you he was posting it. Some people person you are!
what are you accusing me of jeffy I don't play with swords other than my own and hardly pose with guns ever either so what am I missing ?
I am so friggan confused right now ... Whatever don't blame your senility on me man... Just sayingYou need to learn to read. I was not talking about you! Pay attention! Here is what I was saying@
I am so friggan confused right now ... Whatever don't blame your senility on me man... Just saying
what are you accusing me of jeffy I don't play with swords other than my own and hardly pose with guns ever either so what am I missing ?
At the end of the day I find i have more lighters than I started with
I am just gonna throw this out there , when I read 90 percent of your posts I seriously worry a bit that there is a complete and total nut on the loose not more than 40 minutes from my house , not that we don't have nuts here closer but I don't know about them but you with bomber goggles and hidden knives alter egos and mood swings , sheeeeeesh its a bit scary thank god you cruise a red truck easy to identify , but anyway I thinking with the mullet and pompous lOok the pistol pic resembles ol murph more than me ....One of those CRKT's.