Rig big.....
With proper rigging techniques there is no way in hell that there is an 80ft pine in the world that takes three days to remove. If it is a tough drag hire some cheap groundies for the day. Prior to having my mini skid and grapple along with a sizable wood chipper (which makes all the difference) I would take up to five or six groundies to a big backyard removal, set it up so everyone has one job. Rope man/crew leader, stackers/buckers, draggers, and chipper operator. Eat your lunch in the tree and keep going until that sucker is on the ground. Keep the groundies moving all day. 1900 for three days work..... laughable, there is no profit there..... I would do 5 guys for a day at 1900.... it is on the low side though, gotta be a job with a real low damage risk. At 1900 you could most likely afford to come back a second day with a cheap guy or by yourself to buck and haul the last of the wood as well as do final rake up, no way in hell I would be coming back for any more than that..... and please tell me you are not including the stump for that price
I love big backyard removals with small or no drop zones, especially ones with long horizontal limbs. Rig everything in the exact largest piece you can. Rig multiple smaller limbs together and leave your 200t in the truck. Also..... get some equipment that fits through gates...... like a log cart
Where are the pics of the tree? I would love to see this three day behemoth.