porta wraps?

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the GRCS or "mighty Harken" as I like to call it is designed for 5/8" line. the 3/4" line tends to "walk" a little on the drum.
I really liked what John Paul said about the GRCS, What he left out was when lowering a big piece, a single groundman can do all the tasks. lower the piece, lock it off, nibble a few branches off and pull them out of the work zone, lower it a bit more and repeat the process. Never could you do this with the: what is it called, the square wheel? no, the fish weight? you know that device that only allows you to lower not raise branches. :)

Oh and the GRCS can be instantly hooked up to a class 111 hitch, Greg sells a set up for this.

frans you could do the same thing with a porta wrap as far as lowering tieing it off and cutting, and repeat untill landed. the big advantage of the winch type blocks is pre tenioning the line and the ability to lift. but in my mind lowering is the same thing wether its a porta wrap or a winch block.