I just got 3 big truckloads of English or white oak and they are still green.I went to split them with my x27 yesterday and the axe head kicked back like I was hitting a tractor tire.Should I wait for natual cracking to appear or just use a neighbor's splitter for this batch. I only get the splitter for one day so I want to make sure that what I split is really knotty and can't be split by hand.The wood is very straight grained by the way.
If you can afford to wait just a bit, say a few weeks, and the rounds are stacked up to get good sun and air, yes, they will split much easier once they are showing some checking.
Larger rounds I go around the outside and split off the slabs with the bark-thinly- then attack the center heartwood. Once the bark is off a round, they always split easier. the bark is a stout band that encircles the wood and helps keep it intact, like a band.
The other suggestion of at least ripping them in half is good as well. NHoodling is kinda fun, too. Lay the round sideways, cut right through at a slight angle. Give it full RPMs and lift it occassionally to clear the long noodles if it becomes a problem and starts to clog up under the clutch cover.
If you want to hand split them right now, you can cut a few kerfs across the top, deep enough to slide a wedge in there, then layon with a sledge hammer. I do that too with "rubber wood" if I don't wait to wait for natural checking. (shagbark hickory I now always do this, helps with eliminating the bugs)
Bust them into 1/4s or a little more that way (depends on size of rounds), then you can go back to using the fiskars effectively, and again, slab off the wood with the bark on it first. You can use that slabwood in the mornings to get the fire going good, and it also greatly speeds up the drying of both the slab wood and the heartwood. The wood directly under the bark is just slow to dry, so the thinner the better, IMO.
The Fiskars or splitting axe of choice is good for that chore, slabbing off the outside, as they are easier to aim and do precision whacking.
Of course, THREE truckloads, borrow a splitter..even at one day that is gonna be one LONG freeking day. (err, what size truck? regular pickup, that's not that bad...) Maybe just take the time to rough bust all the big rounds into quarters, then return splitter and go back to hand splitting at your leisure.