And if you dice up those four foot long pieces it stacks up smaller than the legal definition as in post 3069 above. Have to wonder what other legal misconceptions I have from reading at the library.
Must be that time of year again, everybody's #####ing about the definition of a cord. I need to get that state by state chart done and put up here. Maybe I'll get rained out today or tomorrow and put some time into it.
What? That's easy, a cord is about 2 or 3 CL loads.....or 4 when delivered in a shorty ...
but, a GOOD CL load has a few more sticks in it....and a FULL CL load means you can see wood over the metal sides of the bed....
Cords are for old people, cranky old people...with landline phones....with no dialer on the phone, you pick it up and talk to Emma the operator and tell her who you want to talk to...then you look out the window and see kids on dirtbikes tearing across the property and you drop the phone, go out in the yard and bellow at them and shake your fist in the air....
I am gonna do it one of these days, do a CL ad with metric standard face rick ranked chorde load....see if I get any bites...
the way I was taught the encyclopedia Britannica is wrong.
when I learned as a kid about life a chord was spelled Chord, and it was4'x4'x8' packed tight, packed loose was not done unless you wanted a reputation for ripping people off, a rick was 4'x 16" x8' and it took three rick's to make one Chord, there was no such term as long chord, face chord , it was Chord and rick.
That's how I get it now days if I have to go out and buy it, and thats how I stack it when I split it.
Occasionally I might sell a chord or a rick, BUT I will tell whoever is buying it from me exactly what I stated above
Wow... !!! Wolfen???
You managed to mis-spell the word cord, no less than 6 times in that post!!!
That is freaking impressive....
No matter who ya are...
And if you dice up those four foot long pieces it stacks up smaller than the legal definition as in post 3069 above. Have to wonder what other legal misconceptions I have from reading at the library.
For the record, I'm not a fist shaker. I let Mr. Remington do my bellowing, as well.
Mean cranky old people. Kids just drive faster and cut the fences and m80 the mailbox then...
My fences are fine, and my mailbox has been there for 20 plus years.
Let's just say I'm a little bit of a legend with the younger crowd.
Ehh, really, I know most of em and their parents. The kids who come out to the lake cabins, not so much, but I ain't on the lake and they don't venture far from water.
Finally had a chance to take out the new to me huskey 455 and cut about a truck load and a half before the heat got to me. I spent maybe a half hour with my fiskars, wedge and 10lbs sludge in 95 degree heat before I called it quits today. I'm splitting and stacking over at my moms, (I live in an apartment 10mins away) and should have that split and stacked by the end of the week if I put in a little time daily after work.
that's looking good! 95 degrees, whoosh, only 80s here today. Weird....
Found this when I mowed the lawn the other day. ####! It's gonna go into the truck, and be the first of next years wood into the basement.
My squarewood stockpile. It grows a bit every time I have to take the truck to work. Might as well offset the fuel cost with a little free wood.
Yeah What Bert said.