It's great. But I have one ash I took out of a swamp that just will not dry. CSS over three years and still seethes out of the end. Normally ash dries quick.
Absolute favorite burning wood. Better than oak in my opinion. I'll burn anything but really like ashHow do ya guys like burning Ash?
I 100% agree with you.Absolute favorite burning wood. Better than oak in my opinion. I'll burn anything but really like ash
Dries faster, burns hotter, makes better coals, easier to work with, the smoke doesn't burn my eyes as bad, straighter grained......What part makes it [Ash] better than oak?
Looks like Ash. Usually, under the bark are markings left by beetles that kill the tree, found in the photo provided.Here there is red oak and white oak everyplace so plenty of access, prefer white if it available. Locust is here but usually disappears pretty quickly. I do have a cord and I use it mostly at night, burns hot and long with good coals. I have access to a downed ash tree but was told it was low in BTU's and lots of ashes and no coals.
I was told it was Ash, I have no leaves and don't read bark well?
Any guessers?
Here there is red oak and white oak everyplace so plenty of access, prefer white if it available. Locust is here but usually disappears pretty quickly. I do have a cord and I use it mostly at night, burns hot and long with good coals. I have access to a downed ash tree but was told it was low in BTU's and lots of ashes and no coals.
I was told it was Ash, I have no leaves and don't read bark well?
Any guessers?
Welcome to the forums RDA. Great people here, tons of knowledge and info that will answer all your questions.Hello everyone. New here . Background I run a lawn service. Fall income is trees and firewood . I am a small operation as far as wood goes 3 maybe 4 months a year max. I typically split around 25 cords of firewood to sale. I have your typical equipment nothing really to fancy
I decided I'm going to go get it Thursday, busy today and dr's tomorrow. Worse case I'll burn it during the day. Never can have to much wood!Looks like Ash. Usually, under the bark are markings left by beetles that kill the tree, found in the photo provided.
Welcome!Hello everyone. New here . Background I run a lawn service. Fall income is trees and firewood . I am a small operation as far as wood goes 3 maybe 4 months a year max. I typically split around 25 cords of firewood to sale. I have your typical equipment nothing really to fancy
View attachment 612417 Most of the ash I have came from a girl scout camp outside of Gettysburg. An dead ash fell on a camper at a local camp ground and killed a sleeping camper now they want all the ash trees down before it happens again. Sad to see them all dieing but it makes for a surplus of firewood.View attachment 612422 This is the fence row at my brothers housd. There's 5 medium size mulberries in thers. I'll take mulberry any day but most people around here don't think its good wood for heating
It was out bullfrog road but there bringing a tree crew in guess we didn't work fast enough. I'm in Hanover so not far from Gettysburg myself.Wholly cow, when and which campsite? I'm about 12 miles south of Gettysburg. That's horrible. Yeah, I took down a standing dead Ash over the summer, have about 4 more standing dead on my property. There's a pretty large one near my house, but leaning away that is showing signs of crown dieback and the bark sloughing off from woodpeckers trying to get the EAB larvae. That same tree stood next to an equally large Red Oak that had to come down from a massive Carpenter Ant next at the base of the trunk. Friggin' bugs...
Hello everyone. New here . Background I run a lawn service. Fall income is trees and firewood . I am a small operation as far as wood goes 3 maybe 4 months a year max. I typically split around 25 cords of firewood to sale. I have your typical equipment nothing really to fancy
It was out bullfrog road but there bringing a tree crew in guess we didn't work fast enough. I'm in Hanover so not far from Gettysburg myself.