Firewood Hoarder, Axe Enthusiast
Another bunch split and thrown into a big pile, this time it's Ash and about takes care of my stacked rounds. Need to start felling/bucking again! Not sure exactly how much, but it was three stacks of rounds about 14-16'' long, and another stack about 10' long and 7' high at the peak. It's definitely a bigger pile than the Oak I recently split. Besides myself for scale, just to give you an idea, the pile is about as wide as it is long. I'm guessing a little over 2 cords.
Running out of flat, level space to stack, so I'm going to do a big holzhausen since Ash dries quickly. Body is pretty sore and tired from today, will stack tomorrow. My other smaller holzhausen stacks have gone rather quickly, so I'm not dreading it as much as a straight, non-cribbed stacks like I normally do.
Running out of flat, level space to stack, so I'm going to do a big holzhausen since Ash dries quickly. Body is pretty sore and tired from today, will stack tomorrow. My other smaller holzhausen stacks have gone rather quickly, so I'm not dreading it as much as a straight, non-cribbed stacks like I normally do.