Firewood Hoarder, Axe Enthusiast
good set up, I like it.plenty chunks, hand splitting the stix... stone fire ring, fire going... barrels bit off the grnd... nice camp! fall scene... rolling hills, reminds me of infantry training at USMC OCS Quantico, VA... take it easy! u may have lots of scrounges, but u only got one body!
in the meantime... keep up the good work!
- definitely some good looking firewood! -
Many thanks! On a sunny, chilly day it's a great place to do some work and listen to some tunes. I worked till dusk so got a bit more done than what is shown in the pic, but was also constantly feeding the burn barrels trying to get to some of the old punky logs that we've accumulated. Afterwards, I just sat on a log by the fire and had two beers while the sun set. Feels good to be (somewhat) back to normal. Every day gets easier. Thank you for your service, my grandfather of my same name was a USMC Captain, served in WWII Pacific Theater.