My first woodrack/woodshed. The rest of my wood, about 9 cord,View attachment 690253 View attachment 690254 is on pairs of PT lumber rails with sheets of corrugated roofing nailed to the top.
shed looks good! real good!

My first woodrack/woodshed. The rest of my wood, about 9 cord,View attachment 690253 View attachment 690254 is on pairs of PT lumber rails with sheets of corrugated roofing nailed to the top.
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Hit the pile again this morning for an hour and a half. Got everything I bucked up yesterday split and stacked. Pile is almost done. 2 rows 26' long with 10-12" in the middle of randomly stacked pieces. I might add another pallet or two at the top end though. I need to pack wood in wherever I can.
Rebuilt a cutting bench that desperately needed it. I've been using it for maybe five years and cobbled it up a few times to get by. Started by adding some cross pieces underneath so I can lift it to move it easier with fork extensions. Then decked the entire thing with 4" x 6" x 8' so it can handle short, odd ball lengths. Works good. The last photo is what it look like a year ago when the sacrificial part was new. That will get replaced soon on both benches. The red straps were a temporary fix at the time and held a cross piece in place to get forks under. Moved both benches this week to get a semi in and out, and also when log trucks come in.View attachment 690887View attachment 690888View attachment 690889View attachment 690890
EDIT: The holes in the front are for using a peavey to push or pull the log up to the stop block.
Got some more power for the old, tired splitter motor. The B&S was bogging in big logs. Not bad at all for $99.99 on sale and 20 mins. to swap.Starts and runs perfectly and the ram moves faster w no bogging @ all........
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I was close to a Predator repower this fall. Finally got the old honda straightened out.
Weather has been nice so I split a couple cords. Cut this pile in the spring when we cut a woods for a guy. Mostly sugar maple and elm. Some white oak(rare for my area), birch, and basswood. I am lucky my buddy I have the equipment to leave it in long lengths, usually 8', and can pie it up until we have the time. He has 40 acres and I have 5 so I only keep about 10 cord ready and 10 cord in log form. The rest we store in his gravel pit. We didn't do a great job cutting these flush and there were some big ones as well. So I have my mess pile off to the side. These are either too large for my cutting deck or they won't roll. I'll pick them up with the skidsteer and cut them too length. I don't noodle much so I'll stand my splitter on end and do them vertically if they are too big to lift and split with the SS.View attachment 692260 View attachment 692261 View attachment 692262 View attachment 692263
Cutting and splitting most days as the weather has been pleasant so far. Subaru was leaking gas. Not good. Replaced it with a Honda GX 200 so I could keep working. The Subaru is fixed and on the shelf. View attachment 693373 View attachment 693375
western WI, I guess so. good pix, I like that set up!you heat with wood only?
How’s the kuuma running now you had a few weeks to dial it in. Like I’ve said before. I’ll be getting one next year. Was there much of a learning curve to get optimal performance?
Have you noticed any roller coaster temp spikes and falls through out the burn cycle?
Finally getting after this pile of oak, hickory, beech, sugar maple and a little bit of ironwood. Started cutting the weekend before Christmas. Everything in the pictures was logs when we started.
Plan is to get it all cut and then start splitting. Because its warm and nothing is frozen, going to have to stack were it's at.![]()
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