Wow, at least you have plenty of firewood, but yes its sad seeing those older trees go.
Today I cleaned up 3 fork loads of brush in front of the house, and dropped a bent over elm that a large cherry damaged, as well as a few little trees that were also damaged by the same cherry. The good thing is the cherry didn't damage any of the Norway spruce I planted up there. Another good thing is I did want this tree down as it was leaning pretty good and I planted about twice as many spruce as I wanted knowing that some of the larger trees along the rd would most likely fall and damage them. I just noticed that two of those trees may not make it as it looks like a deer was munching on them, its one thing or another killing them it seems.
Well I did a good bit more after I typed the above, I forgot to send it I guess lol.
3 good sized buckets and 1 big one. Things are finally starting to look like we didn't have a tornado hit

Big bucket, locust

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Green wood pile I didn't want is getting bigger.
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