Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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I hate to ruin the syrup discussion but here's the rest of the big ash being moved by my track loader. I decided to move it next to the boiler before bucking and splitting.


I hate to ruin the syrup discussion but here's the rest of the big ash being moved by my track loader. I decided to move it next to the boiler before bucking and splitting.

Even more cheatin! HAHAHAHA man, every boy needs a loader and a grapple.
Have. loader. want. grapple. bad! need. truck. first... :angry:
I thought this wood burning stuff was supposed to save me money? :msp_wink:

Dunno about you but swapping over from oil to wood DID save me money, I had a trailer already had to buy a gas chain saw, had to replace the electric chain saw, had to but stove pipe, had to but new gasket and crack sealer this ye, but all that AND the gas to go get wood is STILL cheaper for me than oil.
Even if I had to buy my wood already split its about $2000 cheaper per year
Dunno about you but swapping over from oil to wood DID save me money, I had a trailer already had to buy a gas chain saw, had to replace the electric chain saw, had to but stove pipe, had to but new gasket and crack sealer this ye, but all that AND the gas to go get wood is STILL cheaper for me than oil.
Even if I had to buy my wood already split its about $2000 cheaper per year

Same here, between the fireinsert, liner, assessories, chainsaws, splitting axe I already saved $4300 in only a season and 1/3. Also why I'm not going cheap on my custom built splitter.

My little dingo mini skid steer makes those large logs easy also. Got to love the 4in1 bucket.
The bad part is I live in the middle of a city so I don;t have access to a lot of trees to cut myself, so I scour craigs list, govt auction sites and the local tree companies :)
the local tree companies are my favorite cause they have to pay to dump wood, so any amount I can take away is less they have to pay to dump, and trust me those guys earn their money.
I hate to ruin the syrup discussion but here's the rest of the big ash being moved by my track loader. I decided to move it next to the boiler before bucking and splitting.



:msp_wub: You can jump in any time with pictures like that.. :msp_smile:
Next project, swamp oak

Started on this guy today, it is near another pond/swamp area. It fell over. It's big. Have to clear underbrush around it just to work it, got this far today, got it supported with a lot o big branch wood, then cut it of the root ball, and worked my way to the next support area.

Pretty funny, I get to "cheat" after tomorrow. Boss came by and was laughing, he sez 'I knew you couldn't resist working on that one"! "Yep" Anyway, he is working that area with an excavator for dirt and will be bringing in his crawler tomorrow to push some pines and brush out of the way and make me an access road right down that tree! I cut them and busted these so far into quarters but only hauled out 4 of them, dang heavier than those hickory chunks (this is a much bigger tree). I measured the trunk and what I cut so far, just a little shy of 1/2 cord today in nine big rounds.

Long view


There's a nice poplar at the far end I'll take as well when I get to that area.

Here's some blocks rhino put down, they are around 30"D x 16"L, *stout*. Just the quarters are heavy to pickup for me. I really like that saw so far, pulls chain and just won't quit. I know it isn't as fast as a similar big husky or stihl, but at around half the price used, it will cut the same wood!

:msp_smile: nice wood.. Thanks for sharing pics.. I wish we had big stuff here.. Mostly 18 to 24 inch.. I like 30 to 36.. But it all burns the same ..
zogger, what is the saw you have there? After watching the video's from the poulan lovers gtg I am keepin' an eye out for the old big saws or the not so popular ones.
zogger, what is the saw you have there? After watching the video's from the poulan lovers gtg I am keepin' an eye out for the old big saws or the not so popular ones.

That's an echo cs8000. Built that from two parts saws. I was using that one yesterday because it has that whopper bar, made things easier. These are still made new, so you can find used ones. Whatever, on any new echos, richen them up, they ship a scosh lean.

But heck ya if you find any old big poulans they are real nice.
I have a 245a I got real cheap, 13 lbs and 74ccs with decent torque and chain speed. That's a 70s era saw, not as many of them out there, but you could still find them.

Any of the Poulan 3400s on up, that era of the mag saws,80s to 90s, are still out there in decent numbers. They are well built, easy to work on, cut well when running and usually cheap.
:msp_smile: nice wood.. Thanks for sharing pics.. I wish we had big stuff here.. Mostly 18 to 24 inch.. I like 30 to 36.. But it all burns the same ..

Oh heck ya, it all burns the same. If I was *just* doing my firewood I could get by here with a small saw and just cut deadall branches and smallish trees forever. I just have a variety of saws now since joining this site and like to tackle the big blowdowns and standing dead trees. I only got into having larger saws since the tornadoes hit here and I needed something a bit larger than my husky 137.... It's nice to have the option of being able to address about any size tree, there's some whoppers around here.
Zogger, slow down! Yer workin' too hard.

Ha! I have to for a few days, about wrenched my left arm out humping chunks out and stacking rounds up.

Just trying to get some more ahead before full bore winter mud season sets in. Ain't no going getting wood then, have to wait until next spring. Swamp is swamp, it gets gnarly even with the tractor. I mean, I can get to some areas, but not much, so I am taking advantage of this indian summer we have going. Funny, mountains all around us, but we are in a big valley, so we get some decent ponds and swampy areas.