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Climb020 said:
What bothers me the most about the PPE issue is this. If the employee does not take there own health and safety into concideration how can I expect them to take my safety into concideration. It is hard to rely on a ground guy like this cause unfortunately as it may be the people on the ground have just as much control over your live as you do.

Also does anyone in the US know what the imposed fines are for not wearing the appropiate PPE. I hurd that there is safety guys that go around imposing fines on tree services as well as the workers that don't follow the rules. Please let me know if I am correct on this.

Don't take this the wrong way.... I totally agree with your views om PPE 100%. Keep in mind, you are the new guy, so try to go along to get along.............for a while. Find out the guys who are worth working with who always do the job to the letter, and try to get assigned to their crew.

save the battles for later
Climb020 said:
It is hard to rely on a ground guy like this cause unfortunately as it may be the people on the ground have just as much control over your live as you do.

The relationship is two way and I believe hinges around repsect for your fellow worker, no matter his station in life. I have worked WITH some great climbers, and some who from minute number one obviously cared little about themselves, or that matter the job aside from making some cash.
Don't take this the wrong way.... I totally agree with your views om PPE 100%. Keep in mind, you are the new guy, so try to go along to get along.............for a while. Find out the guys who are worth working with who always do the job to the letter, and try to get assigned to their crew.

save the battles for later

I hear you Boston. They have assigned me as a crew leader and I have been put with guys that are willing to learn the right way. I am hoping to teach them right and train them right so they won't know any other way which makes things much easier for everyone.
Jumper said:
Yes their loss-as previously stated I have friends in their mid 40s who wear double digital hearing aids. In the interests of covering your a s s and that of your employer you need to start documenting their non compliance, with info copies to the union, most of which in my opinion are pretty supportive when it comes to adhering to PPE regs for their rank and file.

The liabilty of things like this is pretty scary. There have been workers that have sued many years after leaving a company for things like this. Leave a paper trail and CYA. If the employees don't like to use the safety gear, then they can find a new job.
Climb020 said:
After working for a few companies I am finding it is very hard to make guys, mainly younger guys, to wear the appropriate PPE. I recently started at a new company and they teach all the ANSI standards and expect everyone to follow. But as I am sure many know the minute the bigger bosses are gone people just do what they want. They think they don't need it cause you know they are invisible.

So what ways to do you owners and crew foreman get your guys to wear PPE? It happens to be a big pet peeve of mine and am hoping to find some sort of resolution. Oh and as for PPE I mean hard hat, eye protection, hearing protection and chaps. The one handed chainsaw use and one tie in point saw use is for another day.
yah there is always a big problem with wearing helmets while chipping, i explain if the machine hits them it will be harder than a ball bat, one guy was lax but he eventually came around and wore his helmet, a week later i came out of a an oak and he called my name with a shaken and moaning voice, a nice ten inch lead blasted him in the head, blew the helmet off and left his forehead a bloody pulpy mess, ayuh he likes them ratchet styles now
Climb020 said:
What bothers me the most about the PPE issue is this. If the employee does not take there own health and safety into concideration how can I expect them to take my safety into concideration. It is hard to rely on a ground guy like this cause unfortunately as it may be the people on the ground have just as much control over your live as you do.

Also does anyone in the US know what the imposed fines are for not wearing the appropiate PPE. I hurd that there is safety guys that go around imposing fines on tree services as well as the workers that don't follow the rules. Please let me know if I am correct on this.
escort them off the job and let them know they coply or they dont work there, document all the while

Climb020 said:
After working for a few companies I am finding it is very hard to make guys, mainly younger guys, to wear the appropriate PPE. I recently started at a new company and they teach all the ANSI standards and expect everyone to follow. But as I am sure many know the minute the bigger bosses are gone people just do what they want. They think they don't need it cause you know they are invisible.

So what ways to do you owners and crew foreman get your guys to wear PPE? It happens to be a big pet peeve of mine and am hoping to find some sort of resolution. Oh and as for PPE I mean hard hat, eye protection, hearing protection and chaps. The one handed chainsaw use and one tie in point saw use is for another day.
last time i checked u were a younger guy
are u realy a forman lol with only 1-1/2yrs i find it hard 2 belive that u are a forman well maby 4 a 1 man crew lol
u are not by going by the book as you swear u do arent even considered a climber yet but only in training lol lol:buttkick:
Climb020 said:
After working for a few companies I am finding it is very hard to make guys, mainly younger guys, to wear the appropriate PPE. I recently started at a new company and they teach all the ANSI standards and expect everyone to follow. But as I am sure many know the minute the bigger bosses are gone people just do what they want. They think they don't need it cause you know they are invisible.

So what ways to do you owners and crew foreman get your guys to wear PPE? It happens to be a big pet peeve of mine and am hoping to find some sort of resolution. Oh and as for PPE I mean hard hat, eye protection, hearing protection and chaps. The one handed chainsaw use and one tie in point saw use is for another day.
Yes (WLL), he is born in 1984, climbing for 2 years, so whats up with the "younger guys" comment?. And working for a few companies already? Wtf? Now you are assigned as a crew leader? Yeah yeah yeah, stop the talk like you are some old hand 020. I wear ppe all the time, and I one hand, so what.
clearance said:
Yes (WLL), he is born in 1984, climbing for 2 years, so whats up with the "younger guys" comment?. And working for a few companies already? Wtf? Now you are assigned as a crew leader? Yeah yeah yeah, stop the talk like you are some old hand 020. I wear ppe all the time, and I one hand, so what.

I've worked with young guys who are quick on the uptake. They also are smart enough to know they've not experianced everything.

As a Marine I knew many NCO's who were his age or younger (heck, I was) they are leading men into combat and have been for ages. Leadership is as much attitude as knowhow. (No sir I do not know the answer, but I will find out!)

As a fighting bum I met a number of infiriating individuals who would need only see a form once or twice before picking it up solid. There are natural talents out there.

Young men can lead older men especially when they can show compitance and an ability to learn.

As for your anicdotal evidance for one handed operation...so do I, though at a lesser rate then you it seems. We roll the dice each time, counitng on experiance and knowlege to keep us safe. But it takes only one mistake to make the operator an invalid.

With the experianced individual, the risk is small, but amplified through a crew, then a company the risk becomes intolerable.

The loss of one employee through preventable accident is something that we do not want to think about, but we fight changing the culture in ways that will prevent it.

You and I can do it with confidance, but how do you prevent the newbie form picking up a saw and onehanding without concideration to body position and kickback? You cannot train for this, because then you open yourself up to unsafe practice claims.

We as individuals see it as rediculous all the inconvenient prohibitions foisted on by buerocracies. If you think about it, would the Canadian or US governments even allow cahinsaws if they were developed today. "You want to do what, whith what while staning on a slope?!?"

To avoid overly onerous regulations, companies must set policies that will not tolerate practices that will increase risk of seriouse injury.
Thanks you John Paul. It has more to do with your attitude then anything else. Yes there are things that can only be learned for experience but there is a large foundation that can be built if you have the drive to take advantage of the opportunity.

In just my first few times in the tree I was taught the most important info. One was always be tied in twice when cutting and second was keep both hands on the saw. though I cannot preach cause I still do it at times but I keep it to a minimum. As Mike Mass has pointed out in many posts. Proper work procedures will not slow you down once you become use to doing it. As well it makes you more safe and you do your work more professionally then others.

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