I'm spoiled, all the forests around Western MD are Oak forests. Still, I won't bother with anything I can't get my rope and snatch blocks to. I have 300 feet of 3/4 inch, 17,000 pound bull line. Several pieces of logging chain, and a couple snatch blocks. If I can't get a straight pull on a log I'll hang a chain 8' up on a tree, then hang another, and another till I snake it out. I have flip open snatch blocks. My Ram 1500 can pull a 24"-30" log 20' long with no problem. It weighs about 6,000 pounds, my truck. I pull till it gets to the first snatch block, back up enough to let me flip the line out of the first snatch block, then put it in the next, until it's on the road. I'm also spoiled that I have 3 farms I can cut standing dead wood from so I never really have to work from the road. But, the older I get, the less I like to have to carry wood, Joe.