Crofter, make sure Squirrel pays you that $20.00, cause the price of a race is no secret, but it does depend on length and what type of chain, and what you want done! Making a complete chain can be as much as $700.00 and if you don't have time or dislike the guy who wants it, the quote can be much higher! A lot depends on the type of chain 3/8 or 1/2", also racing the Timbersports series you can't modify the chain chassis and this will make alittle less work. Just a touch up filing, $100 to $200, again depending on length. For a quick comparsion, a hand saw goes for about $1200 to $1500 depending on lenght, but think about this, you can win, at a good contest $500 to $600 for a stock chain race. A chain for Squirrel-PRICELESS! Dennis