Pride is...

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Good point. Finesse is better than distance, and the main goal is to end up without any mess.
I've been in some gas station restrooms that would make a blowfly vomit.

However, back in college I was a weekend custodian, and the women's bathrooms were always messier than the men's.

There's an old mechanic that's been around for years and years where I work that had a job as a janitor in his earlier days, and could completely back up what you just said.
I thought the puddle in the porta-potty urinals was from women trying to use them because they believe the seat is icky.

Actually the puddle under the urinal is beer, not urine.
First of all, "porta-potties" were designed for women... men need only a tree to step behind. And although men use the urinals in porta-potties, they were in fact, designed for women... because they want the men to stay away from "their" seat.

So anyway, back to the puddle of beer...
Those ridiculous plastic urinals in porta-potties have no flat top on 'em... no place to set your beer (not to mention, unless you're payin' attention they're the equivalent of peein' on an elevated flat rock). Out here, were real men live, that ain't a problem 'cause we have zippers... but over on the west coast, where so many wanna' be men live, the button fly is popular. It's inevitable... if you're hangin' on to a beer and tryin' to un-button/re-button the fly... well, if you've been drinkin' any respectable amount beer, you're gonna' spill it.

The truth is... if a real man places the porta-potty correctly, it ain't even necessary for another real man to step inside one... a real man places the porta-potty so other real men can just step behind it. It's the wanna' be men on the west coast that need the porta-potty... just think of the laugh we'd all get if some guy "stepped 'round back" with a beer in his hand, wearin' a button fly :laughing:

Heck, if I was forced to wear a button fly... I'd just never button it :laughing:
I went to join the Marines when I was a kid, Recruiter took me out back and said, "Pee a hole in that snow bank", so I peed a near perfect hole in the snow.
Recruiter took a look and said I was too smart to be in the Marines if I could pee a near perfect hole in the snow,,, so i joined the Army,,,
Since you aren't interested in accuracy, teach him the next disgusting thing to do. Poop on the other side of a blowdown on a road. Yup, that's it. I quickly learned to look on the other side before bucking up trees across roads. That's something to add to your Pride Movement.
Since you aren't interested in accuracy, teach him the next disgusting thing to do. Poop on the other side of a blowdown on a road. Yup, that's it. I quickly learned to look on the other side before bucking up trees across roads. That's something to add to your Pride Movement.
would half on one side and half on the other side be better?
...teach him the next disgusting thing to do. Poop on the other side of a blowdown on a road. Yup, that's it. I quickly learned to look on the other side before bucking up trees...

Sounds to me like you were taught a valuable lesson.
It's flat foolish and unsafe to run a chainsaw into anything without checkin' both sides first... on a road or not. You should be grateful it was just a little crap to deal with, it could'a been much worse. Someone could'a been trapped under that log, passed-out from blood loss yet still breathin'. Maybe some drunk sleepin' it off next to the tree for shelter. Or even just a hunk of steel waitin' to wreck your chain. Nope, that crap by the tree weren't disgustin'; the fact that you actually ran your saw into that tree without checkin' both sides is improper and unsafe use of a saw... and disgustin'.

Crappin' in your drawers is disgustin'... crappin' next to a log or blow-down is avoidin' the disgustin'.

Just sayin'.
Sounds to me like you were taught a valuable lesson.
It's flat foolish and unsafe to run a chainsaw into anything without checkin' both sides first... on a road or not. You should be grateful it was just a little crap to deal with, it could'a been much worse. Someone could'a been trapped under that log, passed-out from blood loss yet still breathin'. Maybe some drunk sleepin' it off next to the tree for shelter. Or even just a hunk of steel waitin' to wreck your chain. Nope, that crap by the tree weren't disgustin'; the fact that you actually ran your saw into that tree without checkin' both sides is improper and unsafe use of a saw... and disgustin'.

Crappin' in your drawers is disgustin'... crappin' next to a log or blow-down is avoidin' the disgustin'.

Just sayin'.
to make her happy, im just going to put the log on the log...
No need for us to go over a log, we jump hop in the chip box....think about that next time you're spreading around some fresh wood chips. Not much you can do when nature calls.