show me the 'Q' port ! how does that work ?
looks like an honest machine. I have a few sp 81s. they BS with me alot,(air leaks) so I let them sit. . .
I am still learning all I can before I launch into my project saw - so please share your experience. Are the air leaks from the intake, the bearing seals, impulse hose or something else? Thanks, Ron
Look at the picture labeled Toasted PM800. You will see at the top of the exhaust port a rounded "peak". I am guessing that this is the "Q" port. Why it quietens the saw I don't know. It lowers the "starting compression" because it allows the escape of a portion of the fuel/air mixture that would otherwise be compressed if there were no peak. I am guessing that given it's relatively small size it probably has little compression loss effect at WOT and any power loss over the earlier design due to lower compression may have been made up for by the overall larger exhaust port (compared the shape and size of the rest of the port to the other ports shown). Ron
Dan, if you look at the photo's, the spike shown on the lower yellow cover looks like the same one that fit the 600 Series saws (605, 610, 650, 655, Timber Bear, Eager Beaver 3.4/3.7, Silver Eagle 3.7, etc.) part number 93668.
I checked the IPL's and confirm it is the same. They are generally available on e-Bay but I expect Jeff over by Janesville, MN could get you one from a trashed saw.
I am out of contact with my e-mail until I return to the office next week.
I have a couple of PM 700 saws (one complete and running, one mostly complete) but now I suppose I am going to have to find a PM 800 as well.
Thanks for all of the replys guys!
Anyone have a picture of what is missing on the clutch/muffler cover?
Sorry Mark, I probably will not be giving up this saw as easy as I did the Mini-Mac.
Have you made it home?
Any one have an IPL and serviced manual for this saw? Thanks!
Jim, what mix ratio does your manual say to run in the PM800 - 32/1? Thanks, Ron
Yep, it says to run 32:1 if using McCulloch oil, or 20:1 if using regular 2 cycle oil. I'm running Stihl ultra synthetic at 40:1 in mine.
Now I have red X's on all but Dan's re-post. Gotta love these computers. Dan, thanks for your persistence. Ron
Oh no.,.,......Now I have the RED X on some AS pictures!
Any one know of a fix for this?
BTW.....I'm liking this saw more and more! :chainsawguy: :chainsawguy: I'm not sure if my back and arms agree though!
Can't help you with the red Xs, but the solution to your back and arms is get a bigger saw then that 800 will seem light. My neck and shoulder are killing me from my little workout this a.m.Ron
Description: Mcculloch Super 797 123cc chainsaw.
This saw has been completely restored including paint. Over 600.00 in NOS parts alone. Block was bored .020 over. Runs excellent. Power head only. I can email any pic's you would like. Please call for more info and details.
Thanks Lee
Keywords: Mcculloch 797
Dan, too bad we don't live closer. We could go in together, buy this from Lee and sell timeshares. Ron