Umm......we're talking about environmental friendliness. If health effects were the cause for making the switch, we ALL should have switched a long time ago. Look at the incidence of lung & skin cancers among airline & car mechanics as a result of both the skin & respiratory exposure to benzene, MTBE, as well as the "natural" carcinogens present in any and ALL petroleum products, as well as its exhaust. I'm no perfect angel; I wear an organic respirator when milling, but not when I'm bucking logs. as far as everything being bio-friendly, thank god; we should have some trees to cut & mill left.
As far as the gumminess argument; all you gotta do is run a tank of regular oil through the saw before you put it up for the season.
Dude, this may be beating a dead horse, but are you using some kind of fancy cooking oil? You paid $65/5L? ROFL!!!!!! No wonder you're bitter and won't switch. No offense man. Sheesh. Here, the very cheapest that a gallon, not quart of bar oil goes for, is $6 a gallon for the cheap off-brand stuff. Redmax, husky, or stihl is $7-9/gal. I got the cheapest canola I could; I don't need it to have a flash point 10deg. higher than the next best or have superior taste. It all smells better than petro.