To do that I'd need a little walk through and how to's. Never used a lathe for anything outside of wood work.
To do that I'd need a little walk through and how to's. Never used a lathe for anything outside of wood work.
Just like riding a bike, jump on & start peddling. Just know when to hit the brakes.
So Stumpy what's the difference between the 026 and the 260?
Looks like a nice running saw. I heard 028 super p&c's work real well on 026's with a bit of machinework.
I went from being a gas jockey to running a big lathe in an automotive machine shop without any training, only DESIRE/ motivation. OTJT
I can answer this one... Yes the "0" was moved...
The answer is that it depends on the saw. An 026 pro has a decomp and adjustable oiler. The older 44mm 026 jugs also had better port timing if you were going for the best stock power you could get.
You also have the change in covers, which also co-insides with air different air filters and different tank vents. Oh and Different carbs. The newer pro carbs have a diaphragm cover that vents into the air filter. Oh and the newer 260's have flippy caps. There was a all plastic handle that when on the ms260 also... The older 024/026's had wrapped aluminum handles.
There were like 10 different model carbs used the best of which was an older 026 carb the wt-194 due to a larger venturi size. However the fully adjustable wt-22B/G works just fine on non-ported saws.
That good enough???
They are pretty thin and handy, ain't they...
Did I just say something nice about a Stihl???
So here's a dumb question how much does compression increase after the break in period?
in my experiance it depends on several things.
synthetic or conventional oil
when you test
if you use cabers I've seen more consistancey and it jumps about 5-8psi after 2.5gallons of conventioal fuel mix. If I didn't use cabers (not my choice) they seem to be lower readings up front and higher once broken in. 10-13psi difference.
Cold or hot will give different readings.
Either way expect 4-5psi jump and be excited if you see more...
As I said Stumpy wasn't trying to Highjack your thread or steal attention. Just a few questions and I respect your work so I thought I'd ask. Just trying to get the best quality out of my work I can. Back to the 260 the 028 carb has a higher out put?
As I said Stumpy wasn't trying to Highjack your thread or steal attention. Just a few questions and I respect your work so I thought I'd ask. Just trying to get the best quality out of my work I can. Back to the 260 the 028 carb has a higher out put?
I used the 028 carb cause it had the adjustable high side. Had to swap the throttle shaft out. The venturies were about the same size before I opened this one up.
Good call, I've noticed a lot of the smaller Stihl's had the fixed H jet, and IMHO that's pointless for a competent user.
It wasn't stihls call. EPA made them do it... Kinda like Dolmar epoxying the 5105 carb shut so you couldn't even get access to the screws!
PS: for any dolmar fans out there I picked up a new 5105 yesterday and it still had the epoxy carb on it. Don't know how long it had been at the dealer for though.
I love the size, weight and slimness of the 260, but never could handle the server lack of power! Just horrible! Now a ported one might do...
There Hedge, a more balanced statement. :msp_smile: