Guido Salvage
Supreme Saw Whoreder
I am fortunate nothing in my area is very big. 10" is old growth :hmm3grin2orange: I only burn wood in really bad winters.
I think that HILLBILLYREDNEC cut all the big stuff during his gypo days....
I am fortunate nothing in my area is very big. 10" is old growth :hmm3grin2orange: I only burn wood in really bad winters.
LFHN wow those are bad! What is the issue with the expsert village guy? I am just firewood hacker and know better then to do the cuts shown in the exspert village video's. I had a friend who cut firewood for years show me the basics. Sloping and angle backs are similar in shape is where I got mentally goobered. I am fortunate nothing in my area is very big. 10" is old growth :hmm3grin2orange: I only burn wood in really bad winters.
Sorry, don't have any personal knowledge of that video creator.
Perhaps someone else here can speak with more authority on that.
Where abouts in Arizona do you hail from ?
Rubber tramp?
Guido your off your blooming rocker:msp_thumbdn: Let the man or woman alone already,it is becoming sicking to read all the hatefull bashing of some one whom is not present to defend them selves:mad2: LFHN seems to understand the questions ask so far.
I a rubber tramp,follow the weather,not the type to stay planted :hmm3grin2orange: I have places to camp all over the US,just like the northernhalf of AZ.
Rubber tramp is one who lives in vehicle or RV, AKA tire based transport.
Leather Tramp is one who carrys their home on their back,AKA Shoe leather based transport.
If you are actually a "firewood hack" as you indicated earlier, why would you have every ventured to the Forestry and Logging Forum? Wouldn't you be more interested in the Firewood Forum rather than focusing on the last two threads that Superfire responded to?
Same deal as HBRN who could never tell us anywhere he ever worked. Where in Arizona are you RIGHT NOW?
It is all so plain to us, how does it possibly elude you? We tried being nice, but you refuse to allow us to stay in that mode.
Is there a difference between a rubber tramp and a gypo?
I'm sure glad I miss out on a lot of the drama you guys have going on over here at the Forestry shack.
There seems to be no answer to this question as the post count shows. What is clear is some like a high release cout and others prefer a lower cut. 2"-3" is just fine in my book. 3" inches is a good margin of safety on swell butts.
I got to see the women's Oakley beach volleyball squad practicing at Long Beach. Lots of swell butts there.
Alright, line up, who needs their ass whooped?