Question for Stihltech

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The company policy is 1 month. I find it lasts longer in larger quantities, no time in a fuel tank, trimmers being the worst. Keep it out of the sun. Shake the can each time it is used, smell. If it smells like paint thinner, get rid of it. Somefuel seems to last longer than others, if I knew which brand I would tell you.
Take it to your nearest recycling center would be the proper and legal thing to do. But I do remember my dad killing weeds with the stuff years ago but I guess you'd get thrown in jail now by all the tree huggers and such !! :cool:
I once "forgot" to put the cap back on the can, and in a day or so all the gas had evaporated. Not trying to imply anything here, just telling you my misfurtune!
Put it in your truck. 1 gallon of saw mix in a 20 gallon tank won't do any harm.

Originally posted by Toneman
What is the best way to dispose of old fuel?
I put the old stuff in the car, mower, or sometimes boat. No problems at that highly diluted ratio.
I like running my old fuel in my 1955 IH Loboy. I don't recommend
running old 2 cycle fuel in your car or truck, it will raise hell with your O2 sensor and your catalytic convertor.
I know this guy who once fed his cat old saw gas ,.................. wern't long for the cat just fell over dead,.....................seems like he just ran out of gas, could have been to lean a mix!!!

1 gallon of 50:1 mix blended in a 20 gallon gas tank will yield a 1000:1 ratio of gas to oil. That's a ratio of roughly 1/10 oz of oil per gallon of gas (ie about 1/2 teaspoon)!!

This trivial amount will have no effect on the O2 sensor or cat convertor and it'll be immediately burnt off with no ill effects.
(done it plenty of times)

Originally posted by Methoss084
I like running my old fuel in my 1955 IH Loboy. I don't recommend
running old 2 cycle fuel in your car or truck, it will raise hell with your O2 sensor and your catalytic convertor.
yeah I put it in my truck, the little bit of two stroke oil is nothing compared to what my valves and rings let by. I just tell people my truck is a two stroke

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