An oldie but goodie. In my situation, old tractors don't work. I need high horsepower productive tractors because I farm. No hobby here.
I've only got 40 acres, 1/2 is mixed hardwoods with some conifers. Fields/pasture, orchards, big vegetable garden use 2 bottom plow and harrow on it, harvest timber/small sawmill and firewood.
I have less into my tractors than some pay for new implements.
Fergy was $500
I paid $1000 for my 9N it came with: 2 bottom plow, spring harrow, rear blade, rear scoop, bucket tire chains.
I went "modern", a 1973 Ford 2000 with live pto and locking diffy, $2000.
I can work on them all with the tools I own. If you can't fix them with what's in the lunchbox size tool box, somethings really broken. They run on 5-10 gal non-e10 all day.