Most of the wood I get , getting next to it with a splitter, much less a trailer, just isnt a option. tools needed are minimal. I keep a couple of snatch block and 100ft of 3/8 cable on the truck. Hook the truck to the tree with cable, run it thru the snatch blocks and pull the tree to the road. I try to dodge getting trees like that as much as I can. Now days, if there is a lot of work to getting the wood, I simply dont go get it. I can get enough yard trees, blow downs, and when necessary, I can always hit the logging sites and they will load their cutoffs on my dump trailer for me. Free wood, with minimal work. One thing about getting logging cut offs, its always big, knotty, forked, junk wood they cant sell to the mills. Its free and easy to get, but you better have a good splitter to process it. Headed out now to get a couple of large red oaks that blowed down in the last storm. Wood has already been trimmed and the limb wood hauled for firewood. Bucked into 10ft logs and a FEL to load them on my dump trailer. Free wood and they have done most of the work.