That's a great picture of an old boy using an 090 to fall big wood in the redwood country. One thing scares me though, using a conventional face in a big, brittle tree like that.
Originally posted by TreeCo
You really come across as an ass. Maybe you and theman are brother and sister and it's a gene thing.
You've got you nerve describing your father as:
"one of the greatest men who ever walked the face of the earth and if any of you ever have the opportunity to meet him you will understand what i am talking about"
Give us a break. We all have fathers and I doubt any one of us would chose your father over our own.
You need to get out of that little world you live in in your little mind. The world does not revolve around your father, your brother, your son or even you. You folks are neither better or worse than the rest of us.
Give us a break and shut your face.