If you get serious about buying I would strongly look at a cash price. You can probably do much better on cash and if you need to finance then bank rates are really low.......for now. Interest is going to go up, that is for certain. I am betting the dealer/company would much rather have the cash now as with interest going up the opportunity costs of allowing a customer to spread it out over 7 years are high.
depends on the manufacturer, Massey is only a few hundred cheaper to go cash. Their doing 0% for 72 or 1.49 for 84. Kioti is up charging the tractors to get low rate 1.99. The 2610 is an extra 1200 and the 3510 is 1700 extra. It’s still cheaper overall to pay the upcharge to get the low rate vs lower overall price and standard rate. The Massey dealers quote only shows a 239 dollar discount if I paid cash vs finance 1.49 for 84.