Redneck hotsaw catalog

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If a full tank of fuel doubles the value of your saw, you might be a reneck chain saw racer.


Grande Dog
Master Mechanic
Discount Arborist Equipment and Tree Care Supplies
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Chopwood said:
Chainsawworld will be able to tell you, maybe CCicora also. CNY, my spelling was never that good, pick away.

I think almost everywhere else in the US that there is a Booneville it is spelled with an e. The founder was a Boon, a Dutch guy, not a Boone. Go figure...
If your car stays out in the drive way to make room for your saws in the garage...
If you have several saws under your bed...
If duct tape and bailing twine are the only thing holding your saw together...
If it takes two or more people to get your saw started, you might be a redneck saw racer.
If you use your 090 to slice Thanksgiving turkey, and have your wife time it, you might be a redneck saw racer.

If you compare your turkey slicing time to last year's time, and your neighbor Billy Bob Joe John Bubba's time, you might be a redneck saw racer.

If you consider a hard hat, bugeyez, ear muffs, and chaps formal dress, you might be a redneck saw racer.
if you practice changing a race saw from pipe to muffler and back with the stopwatch going.

if you clean and shine your racesaws more than your $30,000 truck.

You might be a redneck saw racer
If you find yourself getting aroused when looking at the newest (insert favorite saw manufacturer) catalog, you might be a redneck saw racer.
If you use duct tape for anti-vibe, you might be a redneck chainsaw user.
If you travel 3.25 hours out of the country to meet another guy/ chainsaw addict, Talk shop for another hour + and drive might be a redneck chainsaw user

Chopwood, I don't know why you ended up with so many tickets even my fat butt only needs one to get in.... :laugh:

I don't know about Otisville. I've heard of it but probably not very fair if they had a mod saw class and I showed. I don't like to see the small shows get busted up over stupid crap like that.

I will also be at Booneville for the show. The only evets I'm not in right now are the doubles events, but that should change at the meeting on Sunday.
Also, I'm still trying to find a bikesaw to run for that show and Clarkson, NY (Following Saturday) I don't know if it would be wise to run the 3120KD with the set up it has now....
TonyM said:
If you've ever disassembled a chainsaw on the kitchen table....

(The wife doesn't like that one to well)

If you eat dinner at the table while there are still saw parts all over it...

If there is a 350 small block holding up a large window or a sliding glass door as a coffee table...
If theres chainsaws holding the windows open, and powering the ac units, you might be a redneck chainsaw user.
If you post nude pictures of yourself with a Stihl chainsaw, you might be a. . . no no, that's only a you might be Gypo. . . :p

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