Regulation in the industry

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wow!!, sgreanbeans............that sounds a little like a controlled monopoly you are trying to form there??? Id be careful enforcing any of that!!

what I see is someone who has been in the biz not conforming & then spending a lil money on an atty. when your coalition gets sued for obvious reasons......many which go completely against constitutional guidlines, free enterprise & not too mention................collective bargaining unit(s) will tear you up!!

well lets just will set a precedent!! those who need Govt regulation cause of some CL hack.................C`mon, if they`re that much of a concern to your`ve got problems & should think about another line of work/biz! LMFAO!!!

hacks, CL, non insured types, etc... dont bother me at all, yeah they`ll get some work, but not who I would want to work for anyway!!! Now illegals are a whole nother story!!!!

I protect my business as it's my life. if I want current rules enforced, and companies fined for illegal business practices, there is nothing wrong with that. Lets see how anti-reg you are when a chem co wants to put a landfill in your back yard LOL.......

so all your business life you have been completely 100% legitimate? if you answer are a diaper full liar!! guess when you get paid cash you turn that in to???

Look,..... Govt, TCIA, ISA or who ever..........has no right to tell any American who they must/must not hire, let alone tell any American what rules to follow in regards to their private property......the housing market has codes cuz contractors were screwing HO`s for hundreds of thousands of dollars & banks were involved!! thats a no no market to screw over...........(banking industry that is).

Trees do not rate as high as other markets, most lump us in with grass cutters, landscapers & migrant farmworkers............when trees need multiple trades to perform work, when banks are involved, public safety, etc... then you will see regulation!!!! BTW....if a tree is a safety issue....its coming down!!! but dont expect laws/regulations/bilss over it.....not gonna happen!!!

so all your business life you have been completely 100% legitimate? if you answer are a diaper full liar!! guess when you get paid cash you turn that in to???

Look,..... Govt, TCIA, ISA or who ever..........has no right to tell any American who they must/must not hire, let alone tell any American what rules to follow in regards to their private property......the housing market has codes cuz contractors were screwing HO`s for hundreds of thousands of dollars & banks were involved!! thats a no no market to screw over...........(banking industry that is).

Trees do not rate as high as other markets, most lump us in with grass cutters, landscapers & migrant farmworkers............when trees need multiple trades to perform work, when banks are involved, public safety, etc... then you will see regulation!!!! BTW....if a tree is a safety issue....its coming down!!! but dont expect laws/regulations/bilss over it.....not gonna happen!!!


Dude, you're not addressing the issues I'm bringing up. I'm talking about the illegally operating companies, not the ill-informed, or careless HO's that hire them. I would never vote for laws that make it illegal for a HO to hire an illegal tree service, as stupid as it may be. I'm talking about punishing the illegal, for-profit tree service. So relax with the "diaper full" tangent.
Dude, you're not addressing the issues I'm bringing up. I'm talking about the illegally operating companies, not the ill-informed, or careless HO's that hire them. I would never vote for laws that make it illegal for a HO to hire an illegal tree service, as stupid as it may be. I'm talking about punishing the illegal, for-profit tree service. So relax with the "diaper full" tangent.

your issues are regulation(s) correct? what is an illegal operating company?? & again ill you have been a completely 100% "legally" operating biz since the day you started???????? you pay taxes on cash?????

cause if you answered (silently to yourself) NO!!! then what is your complaint? let alone your issue?? cause then you would be complaining about others doing the same as you once did/doing!!!! if the diaper fits............ah you know the rest!

your issues are regulation(s) correct? what is an illegal operating company?? & again ill you have been a completely 100% "legally" operating biz since the day you started???????? you pay taxes on cash?????

cause if you answered (silently to yourself) NO!!! then what is your complaint? let alone your issue?? cause then you would be complaining about others doing the same as you once did/doing!!!! if the diaper fits............ah you know the rest!

I once a long time ago failed to pay my parking ticket:angel:
Edit isn't working.

That last part really burns me up. Companies can choose to not be a "tree warden" but they are forced by the city to take your little test. Wonder how the scoring on those will go for outfits you don't like-"i'm sorry, you failed the test and we can't allow you to get your license."

I see this as a way for you to lord it over others.

Certainally would be possible.. and would need to be moinitored to ensure it was not abused..
....I'd also like to see at minimum a bachelor degreed plant pathologist on staff to insure the tree crew isn't carrying around pathogens on their trucks, equipment and tools.

I would like to see both of them in trees working too but then you know:)

I think many without a degree know how to rub de-natured alcohol on their tools:monkey:
A CA will neither have to take a test or join, just show his cert at the city clerks office and he is good to go, with no prob from us. However, I dont know a CA who, in this area, wouldn't join. We make the rules, not the gov't, jeeze thought you all would be happy about that, guess not, bummer, gonna scrap it because I am infringing on your right to underbid me on a weekend job! No diff than the hobby builder who does not get a permit to build his buddys deck. Prob wont get cuaght, but still takes a chance, on him, not me. Someone does not want to join, fine, no problem, still gotta pass the test, again, basic knowledge test, stuff all of you will answer with out thinking, well most of you.
Look, ya really hate this, then I question your authenticity as a Arborist. We are not doing one thing unfair, its not a monopoly when anyone can join. I have always wondered why the anti Arborist are on here? This is Arborist site, isnt it?
Not treeguysite or I wish I could pass the test,but cant so I hate the ISA site.Treebuzz is were ya need to be. Some of what was said above is just ridicules, anyone who is against trying to improve their own industry, needs to, well, get out of the way.
Ya know, all of this would not be necessary if we get it where you simply had to be a CA to get a lic. Maybe that is the direction we take this, hell with trying to bring them over from the dark side right! Pass or fail.
What we are doing in my area

1. forming a coalition of tree services that represent the industry
2. Coalition will establish a basic knowledge test
3. Test will be administered to all those who want, test will focus on safety and care of trees
4. required to sign Code of Ethics
5. All members will be a "Tree Warden"
6. CA's and Degrees automatically get a pass
7. Membership not required, test is
8. Present test and Code to city clerk, along with normal paper work to get license
9. Raising license fee from 50 to 200
10. All trucks will be properly marked
11. CPR and first Aid certs required
12. Coalition will be a 501(3)c, not for profit.
13. Coalition will monitor all members status with the surrounding city's, ensuring they are maintaining valid licenses, insurance and bonds.
14. All operating tree services, members or not will be required to maintain all documentation on the site, if not, they will be shut down until they get it.

We have more stuff we are working on. Have meet with the local city's, behind us 100% We are making the rules, they will enforce. Already have the main city changing ordinance's. Police will back up Tree Wardens. If they are caught operating, they will be shut down, given a package that will guide them from the dark side, should they wish to do so. Test will be basic, stuff everybody needs to know. You can not stop a H.O. from topping a tree, its his tree. You can stop a business from doing it tho. The idea is not to run everybody out of town, they will have the opportunity to join. The idea is to improve safety and care of the trees in our area. Although it will happen, as some are just criminals/druggies with a chainsaw.Those guys, we want gone. Topping is running a muck here, everyday I see a new one. It has got to stop. 2 people this month have almost died doing tree work. One was hit in the head by a 8" dia 3ft long chunk, hit him in the head, no hard hat, lucky to be alive, but will never be the same. Other one has spinal damage, will never work again.
Coalition will provide annual training, tail gate class materiel. The main city, and the CA for them have offered up their facility's for the coalition's meetings, classes and so on. Coalition will bring in hired guns, such as JPS for higher education, Arbor Master courses. CPR classes will be avail, once a month via the main city, at no charge!
Building a collective library for our employees and new members. Non members will not have access to this.
So, in a nut shell, we are moving this along, we still have kinks to work out, and gotta get everything signed off buy the city attorneys. So far they think we are on right track. There will be no excuse for these guys, they will have every opportunity to join. If they do not want to do it, then go work at Hardees, they are always looking for good help.
No one will be "made" to join. They will have to take the test, will be a city requirement. They will have to sign the Code at the city office when they go to get their license. So, non members will be able to operate just as we do, as long as they play buy the rules. Test will be offered at monthly meetings.

Sorry beans,this sounds more like elite protectionism than HO protection.

It rings of HOs that choose a brand new home ,in a brand new subdivision,because they love all the modern updates available to them,,,then go protest the new SD going in next door saying ''Stop the more growth.''
Dude, you're not addressing the issues I'm bringing up. I'm talking about the illegally operating companies, not the ill-informed, or careless HO's that hire them. I would never vote for laws that make it illegal for a HO to hire an illegal tree service, as stupid as it may be. I'm talking about punishing the illegal, for-profit tree service. So relax with the "diaper full" tangent.

What he said
Certainally would be possible.. and would need to be moinitored to ensure it was not abused..
Absolutely. Testing will be done at the clerks office, we will create it, city's will administer it. That is the plan.
Guys I dont like, haha! One of the guys that is involved in this is a CA/Owner. And I cant stand him! He knows it too! That has no place in this, I am mature enough to sit next to him, work this and get it done.

What he said

what ducaticorse said..............dont make sense! & he never answered the question he was asked!!! truth be.... how bout you? so you never worked under the table? was always a legit biz from the very get go? uh?

PLeeeaaasssseee, SG, so you will have a coalition, what authority do they or you have to shut anyone down?? when its fought & it will be....I see lawsuits for economic hardship & negligence on behalf of your coalition too mention a few!!

your coalition has no power!!!! they are not officers of the court & any ordinance giving them such should be shot down in a second!!

my authenticity as an Arborist comes second to my rights!! right to prosper, freedom, liberty, etc... if I wanted Hitler in all cities & all states to tell me what is right or of lived in Germany many years ago.

frankly I dont care about "peers" & what they think should be instilled into a trade I make a living at................those who cry as loud as I see on here for regulation are those who`s businesses are on the brink of lets regulate..but,but we`ll give free passes out to CA`s.................Iowa, what a state! you should be trying to mitigate the affect illegals are having on your trade instead of worrying about wkend warriors trying to make a lil cash!!

regulation to me is a cowards way of monopolizing an area while keeping your foot on the neck of those`ll break the rules you make....but dont let any one who hasnt taken your precious test break em!! cowards, criers, complainers & just plain out non competitive biz`s ready to fall!!!

regulation to me is a cowards way of monopolizing an area while keeping your foot on the neck of those`ll break the rules you make....but dont let any one who hasnt taken your precious test break em!! cowards, criers, complainers & just plain out non competitive biz`s ready to fall!!!

I don't mean to edit your post LXT but that pretty much sums up the way I feel too. You guys can couch the whole thing in grand sounding goals but it doesn't "smell" right to me. Just seems like justifying elitism and control.
A CA will neither have to take a test or join, just show his cert at the city clerks office and he is good to go, with no prob from us. However, I dont know a CA who, in this area, wouldn't join. We make the rules, not the gov't, jeeze thought you all would be happy about that, guess not, bummer, gonna scrap it because I am infringing on your right to underbid me on a weekend job! No diff than the hobby builder who does not get a permit to build his buddys deck. Prob wont get cuaght, but still takes a chance, on him, not me. Someone does not want to join, fine, no problem, still gotta pass the test, again, basic knowledge test, stuff all of you will answer with out thinking, well most of you.
Look, ya really hate this, then I question your authenticity as a Arborist. We are not doing one thing unfair, its not a monopoly when anyone can join. I have always wondered why the anti Arborist are on here? This is Arborist site, isnt it?
Not treeguysite or I wish I could pass the test,but cant so I hate the ISA site.Treebuzz is were ya need to be. Some of what was said above is just ridicules, anyone who is against trying to improve their own industry, needs to, well, get out of the way.
Ya know, all of this would not be necessary if we get it where you simply had to be a CA to get a lic. Maybe that is the direction we take this, hell with trying to bring them over from the dark side right! Pass or fail.
I can do that rather you have the rules in place or not, I can be a legit member of your group and I'd bet I could cut your throat on every job you bid....

someone like me who's work is 99% removals would be forced to pay for and get a cert that has nothing to do with my line of work, why should I be forced to get a CA cert to do removals....

I have nothing against arborist like you do against "tree guys" but I don't feel I should be forced to pay for and learn a bunch of crap that I don't need for my work just because you can't keep your business going. you think making me spend more money on certs and other stuff will keep me from cutting your throat, hell that would make me do it just for spite....

I wonder your true feelings on forced health care.....
RF, I love how you put it man!!!! well said.


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