It is all clear to me now! Thanks
I can do that rather you have the rules in place or not, I can be a legit member of your group and I'd bet I could cut your throat on every job you bid....
someone like me who's work is 99% removals would be forced to pay for and get a cert that has nothing to do with my line of work, why should I be forced to get a CA cert to do removals....
I have nothing against arborist like you do against "tree guys" but I don't feel I should be forced to pay for and learn a bunch of crap that I don't need for my work just because you can't keep your business going. you think making me spend more money on certs and other stuff will keep me from cutting your throat, hell that would make me do it just for spite....
I wonder your true feelings on forced health care.....
2011, The year of the cut throat/ cut rate tree service! The guy with the least amount of debt, no debt, and can keep his equipment, nerves together while squeezing every nickel and dime out of Bob and Sally Cheapskate wins!:bulgy-eyes:
regulation to me is a cowards way of monopolizing an area while keeping your foot on the neck of those involved
Is it?
Many trades are regulated.. some that are not maybe should be.
Now we are bringing in a regulation for carpenters/builders in our area.. frankly a PITA.. but because of unscrupulous trades people this is what happens. If I understand correctly they have broken down the building of a house into 5 distinct area.. and you either have 5 people to build the house.. or one person with all 5 licenses.
Now this to me.. could be wrong.. and is only going to make house prices rise somewhat.
Now plumbers are regulated, even have a code. Electricians are regulated, even have a code.
Crane operators are licensed. Any lift operator needs to have training and card.
We could go on..
You say this is for safety.. (for plumbers .. really.. more for ensuring somebody does the job right and does not cheap out)
But we are in an industry where you can throw on some equipment (or not) climb 100ft in the air, start a chain saw and begin dropping chunks of wood weighing hundreds of pounds on the ground below. No training mandatory, no insurance mandatory, no workers comp (well may be mandatory but some don't have)..
Ok some don't do removals but may top a customers tree (ok no way to stop that).. or do a hack prune job..
Really regulation is not going to stop some of this.. but it may help... or may not..
Tell me.. why do you think some of the other trades are regulated and we are not?
Is it because ours is safer, is it because ours is smaller and falls under radar, is it because we have less accidents per worker so not necessary, is it because we all follow the rules so no need to legislate, what is reason....
You say it is to monopolize.. but other trades thrive with rules in place.
I realize over regulation is bad.. I realize that government for the most part is not the best one to control anything..
But to me there also sounds like there are some on here who are afraid of any licensing or mandatory rules.. so they are defensive against them..
Some mention the weekend warrior.. well that does not stop them if they comply wiht rules.. An electrician can work on the weekend.. as can a plumber.. BUT they as an individual need to be licensed vs the company. They also legally need workers comp, a tax number (at least here), etc..
here....the HO can say they are doing the work themselves & as long as it is to problem!!
you hit the nail on the will make prices rise, significantly!! & guess what? those who were "hacks" will now make enough to be legit competition & still put the cowardly regulation seekers outts biz....
Wow.. sounds like fun. Where do we sign up..
Should have a thread to see who can write the best ad for this customer and work![]()
It's here. This one is from a local company on CL. Lots of chippers, trucks, and 200Ts for sale in very unusual amounts on CL with new ones added daily, and several whole companies.
"we are a tree company that is licensed and insured, that is trying to keep our guys busy this winter. times get tough, anyway our team is offering very reasonable rates for tree work. we hope that this approuch will help us keep busy. we can work for tools, trucks, trailers or accept check and cash. please respond to this ad if you need any tree work. and either way thanks for reading."
They can here as well, and almost anywhere likely. BUT they can not have somebody help them who is paid. They can get somebody to help.. but no payment can be exchanged for work involved (unless the person is licensed of course).
We can beat this dead horse for days..........but in the end our trade does not stand out amongst: plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc... often ours is thought of in a lesser fashion, I wish it wasnt so, but it is.
One of the very reasons to fight for change
We are better
LOL, or this scab bastard. Maybe LXT can branch out to the New England area, and partner up with this clown, since he feels it's ok to conduct business in this manner.
BTW I know for a FACT that this guy is uninsured, never worked for a forestry dept, and certainly isn't insured or licensed. ALL OF HIS ADD IS A LIE except for the phone number. He honestly doesn't own a chainsaw. Borrows, and rents all of his equipment. He pathologically lies to his potential customers, and it disgusts me to no end...
JMac Tree Service. Quality,Reliable & Clean Full Service Tree Company
So lets stick our head in the sand and maybe when we pull our head out, it will be better.
One of the very reasons to fight for change
We are better
NOT THAT I AGREE WITH THAT MENTALITY............but it is how certain jobs are perceived, lets face it.....who wants to have to spend money on trimming/removing trees? but that same person will overcharge his visa card for a remodel job!!
perception is that many realize we do a dangerous job & deserve paid well for it, but: when certain companies like Davey, Bartlett & Asplundh bid a job @ $3600.00& complete the job in a day.......Mr & Mrs Home owner feel robbed!! especially when relatives of theirs hire me to do a similar job at 1/2 the price & it only takes lil ole me a day to do it!!!..