I've got a few things going on with the Remingtons.I got a PL5 today & it's in great shape.It has a new fuel filter & awesome spark.I put some fuel in the cylinder & pulled on it & not even a pop.I pulled the muffler & the P&C are in great shape with no scoring.I did a compression check & only got 60 psi.Could the rings just be stuck,or will it need to be pulled down & put new rings in it?Are rings for this model available anywhere?Homelite had a model XL-400 that was the same C.I.D.
I also got what I believe to be a Woodsman,which is the same displacement as the PL4 or SL4 (59cc).The engine was seized when I got it,the recoil I believe has a broken spring,the carb & reed valve were a mess,the fuel tank was full of silt & has a hole in the top about the size of my thumb,I think the clutch is seized,& the oiler doesn't work.Otherwise it's in good shape,Lol.I got the engine freed somewhat,but when I turn the flywheel it gets to about TDC & won't go any further.I don't want to force it & break something internally.The P&C have no scoring,but when I took the muffler off there was a lot of black powdery silt in there.I cleaned it all out & then put some Liquid Wrench with silicone in the cylinder & let it soak for a bit before I broke it loose (somewhat).I'd really like to get this old girl up & running,but I know it's going to take a lot of work.You all will probably tell me it's not worth it,just use it as a parts saw.
I also go my last SL9 that I've been waiting on for about 3 weeks.The recoil need to be cleaned up & now it's working great.It has good compression & no spark.It's missing the outer bar plate & the air filter cover.I'll see about getting spark on it tomorrow.
Edit:the Homie XL-400 piston won't work in the PL5,almost 2mm.difference in the bores.