#1: Grind the pee out of your extra 7/16" box end wrench so you can get it in there. Also helps while you have the carb. removed to shorten the studs 1/16" so they don't stick out of the nut any when tightened. Even shorter than the nut is thick will help. Yup, I've used a needle nose pliers and a caping chizel on them.
#2: Browse your local flea market for a cheapo flat sheet steel 13/16" wrench and use the correct plug. Your average CJ6 or CJ8 is not correct. When the proper plug is used (Champion J-6J or equavalent) the hex will fall between the top fin of the cylinder and the housing where the flat wrench can get a hold on it.
The above wrench is .150" thick, and it could be a tad thinner.
Note the difference in the hex location on the plugs.
Thanks alot I get on that I will get the correct plug tomorrow.I have the bigger one in it now but also tried a small one today as well.I got a hold of Joe at sugar creek and I will be buying a carb kit from him VERY soon Thanks a bunch.