I have a 754 G that I am trying to bring back from the dead. In the gearcase to the chaindrive, I see that I've got to take the gears out in order to get at the clutch. Any idea how I do this? I'd prefer to know the proper way so that I don't break something that might be difficult to replace. I assume that the shaft that the chain drive bolts to unbolts to allow the gear and shaft to be removed, but I just don't know. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Take some picutes and post them. I've never taken apart a remington gear drive. But just last night, I took apart a David Bradley gear drive.
It looked like this inside:
You can see the clutch attached to the crankshaft like normal. Instead of having the chain sproket on, that had the imput gear. So that came off easy. Just take the nut off, and it slid right off. On the back side of the larger Fiber gear, was the chain sproket. This was held on my a nut as well. Removed that. I could then drive the output shaft and gear through the bearings and they stayed as one.
Sounds simple.....only took me about 4 hours.
Hope this helps some. Can probably be more help with some pictures. And I really just want to see a 754 G