That's the thing that bothers me its not insulated. What happens if it contacts?Not to be negative , but you'd need an aweful pile of work on the roadway with no overhead wires to keep in the black with that machine
That's the thing that bothers me its not insulated. What happens if it contacts?Not to be negative , but you'd need an aweful pile of work on the roadway with no overhead wires to keep in the black with that machine
[emoji506] TOASTY!!!That's the thing that bothers me its not insulated. What happens if it contacts?
I would imagine.[emoji506] TOASTY!!!
I have never done line clearance and have no desire to. I do 75% residential and 25% commercial. So, it's mostly yard trees. I'm finding I can park either in the driveway or on the street in front of the house to get most trees. I hardly use my mini any more. If I have to get into yards, my truck has super singles (wide single rears) which distribute more weight. If it's a little soft, I use Alturna mats like I used to with my bucket truck.Not to be negative , but you'd need an aweful pile of work on the roadway with no overhead wires to keep in the black with that machine
I really didn't mean line clearing. Where I live in ON Canada there is so much OH wire that it'd be highly improbable to be able to use this machine very often You have to maintain 10ft clearance from anything over 600V. reaching over a house is impractical I think to do rear lot work.I have never done line clearance and have no desire to. I do 75% residential and 25% commercial. So, it's mostly yard trees. I'm finding I can park either in the driveway or on the street in front of the house to get most trees. I hardly use my mini any more. If I have to get into yards, my truck has super singles (wide single rears) which distribute more weight. If it's a little soft, I use Alturna mats like I used to with my bucket truck.
My truck is only 26.5' long. I have no trouble getting it in.
Wow what a machine. I've watched many Trac style machines but none have reach nor stability.
What a machine. America is a so so market for this machine but in Europe and Asia it would explode. They have much more respect for the tree industry. They shut entire streets down at night so crews can use massive equipment.
Hats off to you
Looks like a great tool for easy access jobs, but I would be worried that the operators to far from the action. Not able to see defects or weaknesses in the tree that could be brought down while remove another limb, or being overloaded by a miss calculation. Incredibly expensive accidents either way.
Once you see it operate, you learn quickly that this is the safest way to remove most trees. Most trees around here are under 100'. I can see quite well that distance and I can walk all around with the remote to get different vantage points if I need too. Sometimes I stand on the roof. (Especially when I'm reaching over the roof to grab a tree in the back yard.) There are days I never touch a chainsaw and never leave the ground. How could it be any safer?
As for access (I addressed this before), the truck is small at only 26.5' in length. Combine that with super-single tires (for weight distribution), Alturna mats (if I need them), and 95' of reach I can get to most trees. There are few I can't access.
As far as overloading goes, you'd have to be really stupid or incredibly greedy to do that. This shouldn't be looked at like a big crane job where the goal is to get the tree out in as few picks as possible because everyone is on the clock for the big event. No, this is 1 man taking a tree down in pieces with a remote control and setting those pieces wherever they need to be, safely and without much effort.
I will create a tree-mek channel on YouTube if this snow ever ends!
I hope I adressed your concerns. It really is a game changer.
I think it looks like a great tool, if you have the ground and access for it. In our area, it's use would be somewhat limited due to steep ground and difficult access.
When you reach over a roof, do you have to hand fall the peg afterwards? I wouldn't think that thing could reach over a roof and get to the stump.
That thing is pretty cool. Would like to have one right now. -9 this am, straight temp. No ice climbing and heat! It does have heat right, I mean it has A/C so.....