Hey guys, I thought I'd share this. I'll post heaps of photos over a couple of posts as it's limited to 10 per post, but here is my journey of restoring an antique grain mill. It does everything from coarse for animals to fine for flour. I don't know what year it was made, but I know they were made for African villages and didn't really take off there. As you'll see in the photos before I got it it had been spray painted while assembled and it was sold to an old woman while she was in Africa and she bought it as she was a secret prepper. She had never used it and it sat in a shed rusting for years. She died 15 years ago and her elderly daughter sold it to me. I got the paint matched into spray cans, and some orange into a pot for doing the lettering. All of the bolts have been replaced with stainless. All of the silicone has been removed. It got sprayed with etch primer then 3 coats of paint. The handle was polished by hand and the coach bolt for the handle I had to make from a normal bolt as my local shop didn't have stainless coach bolts in that size. Oh, and all bolts now have washers and nylocks nuts. It weighs about 40kg would work better if it was mounted to something solid. If you've got any questions, I'm happy to answer.
Thanks for looking. Adam

Thanks for looking. Adam