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That sounds about like a rick to me, 4' x 8' x "whatever". Great terms these "ricks" and "face cords" are... :dizzy:

I was always told a face cord is 4 x 8 x whatever the length the wood is, it becomes a third of a cord when the wood is 16" (pretty common) A rick around here is any amount agreed upon by buyer and seller ie. one row stacked in a truck, one row stacked between two trees or whatever is convenient. Honest people use rick as a handy measure, dishonest people use rick as something that defies concrete dimensions. I don't think "rick" has a legal description as do "cord" and "face cord" .
The best part is if it is a law to sell only by the face cord then what about the Home Centers with the "Six Sticks For $6.99". Guess they work by different laws.
Well, which is easier to ask for, a rick of 18" wood, or bring me .375 of a cord, or 48 cu ft of stacked wood. I have been ask for only one of these, how about you?
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I told her that was a bit low even for my prices then she starts telling me that i get the wood free and i have a splitter so I dont have any money or work into this wood. I mention fuel and she says well it is comming down now:monkey: .

Jeeze, some people just want something for nothing. If it were me, I'd tell her to save herself some money and find the wood/cut/split it herself if its so easy. :buttkick:
The best part is if it is a law to sell only by the face cord then what about the Home Centers with the "Six Sticks For $6.99". Guess they work by different laws.

I don't know of anyplace that specifies wood be sold by the face cord. Willing to be shown wrong but...

All state regs that I am aware of specify that wood must be sold by the cord or fraction thereof. Must be something in there to allow the rip-off bundles of 5 or 6 pieces being sold though.

Harry K
Another thing that may come into play with the prepackaged bundles is that the consumer can see what they are getting before making the decision to buy.

With a rick measurement if both parties are not clear the customer may be expecting 24" long sticks and the seller may be thinking 12" long sticks creating possible hard feelings since it is very possible that it may not be found out until the wood is delivered. I am guessing most firewood is bought sight unseen so fractional cord measurment is fully clear as to what the volume being dealt on is.

If they call for a load I don't expect to be paid till they see the load and are satisfied with it.

It really bites when you get it stacked and they decide for whatever reason that they they don't want to pay your price once it is in their yard. When that happens it starts to go back on the truck and the price just went up.

Those that hold the gold has the power and makes the rules. While it is still on the truck I haven't given anything away.
This year i'm giving them a choice. A short bed load ot regular long bed. Not sure if its legal but i guess i'll find out! Easier for me though. I can split and throw it in the bed and dont have to stack it. Less work for me.
Jeeze, some people just want something for nothing. If it were me, I'd tell her to save herself some money and find the wood/cut/split it herself if its so easy. :buttkick:

Its funny she did mention getting a new saw last year but somehow it was not useable now. I didnt even want to get into that topic with her.
I've looked and havent found anything regarding the legal measure of firewood in Kansas. I'm not a lawyer but I know how much is in a PU bed, thrown stacked, piled or heaped if I put it on there. I sell them what they ask for and keep track of how much they get on the receipt. Keeps my can out of the sling.

Heres an intersting way to measure a cord of wood. I wonder if Kansas Weights and Measures might be interested in this ? It sure wouldn't fly in most states.
I've looked and havent found anything regarding the legal measure of firewood in Kansas. I'm not a lawyer but I know how much is in a PU bed, thrown stacked, piled or heaped if I put it on there. I sell them what they ask for and keep track of how much they get on the receipt. Keeps my can out of the sling.

Heres an intersting way to measure a cord of wood. I wonder if Kansas Weights and Measures might be interested in this ? It sure wouldn't fly in most states.

That's the way people sell wood in Spingfield Mo. also. I would go up there and they would call two rick of 18" wood a cord every time, I would tell them, no it's not, but did they care? So you can't compete with that. you say sell them a real cord and they will call back, but you have to charge more so you never make the first sale.
Around here most newspaper ads advertise a "pickup load of seasoned firewood - $45 delivered" . Nothing about short bed, long bed, stacked or just thrown in. It's a bit of a crapshoot for the buyer.
That's the way people sell wood in Spingfield Mo. also. I would go up there and they would call two rick of 18" wood a cord every time, I would tell them, no it's not, but did they care? So you can't compete with that. you say sell them a real cord and they will call back, but you have to charge more so you never make the first sale.

That's the way people in St.Louis are also. I advertise a stack of wood measured 4x8x16". A lot of people call and say they'll take a 1/2 a cord. I tell them for it to be a half of cord it would have to be cut 24"s long. That it's actually a 1/3 of a cord. They usually say ok bring that. I have people that I have been selling wood to for year that call up and say bring a half cord again.

Up in Maine a cord is always a full cord 8x8x4. Old state law says it's illegal too sell wood in any other measure (except now by weight) I've heard of a rick, a kitchen cord, running cord, face cord, fencing cord, and country cord. All are 1/3 cord measure I guess? So yep pacman you've been giving them a good deal. Ya got too do something now that you're out of football :hmm3grin2orange: PS: by the the way, I guess the word cord comes from a greek word meaning a length of (you guessed it) cord used too wrap around and measure a pile of wood.

Mainers have that O.C.D. CORD thing. No guessing, no "I think", none of these regionalized thangs like "faces" or "ricks", or "banana cords":monkey: . PULEEEEZZZEE.

Here goes from the C.N. ( Cord Nazi) :
Or, for the challenged:

Use what you want, BUTT:cry: ...........It's based on those 4' logs that the average bear can hump with a Pulp Hook and stack. Whether in 16' or 32' logs, or 4' logs, it is measured in cords. Now, the stack can have and will, < 128 cubic feet when piled right--usually for fiewood, closer to 90 cubic feet-- butt it still is measured as a cord pile.

Gee, can't we all get along.:givebeer:
Now, I gotta get out and harvest some cordwood.
Sooooo funny !!!!!!

This was so funny had me lmao !(laughing my a_ _ off)

Around here everyone uses the term "rick". In fact most people dont even know what a cord is it seems. I normally cut my wood 16" and stack in sections 8,16,24' long each 8" seperated by a post. I had a woman stop week or so ago and told me she wanted to buy 12 "ricks" delivered throughout next summer. She then told me she knew it was a stack 4x8 and how ever long the buyer wanted it to be. I asked how long she wanted and said 24". :dizzy: She preceded to tell me that she was tired of being screwed and that she would never pay more then $50 dollars a rick. I told her that was a bit low even for my prices then she starts telling me that i get the wood free and i have a splitter so I dont have any money or work into this wood. I mention fuel and she says well it is comming down now:monkey: . I felt like telling her to go to well you know where but had to remember she was the mother of a old friend and I couldnt do it :mad: