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That sounds about like a rick to me, 4' x 8' x "whatever". Great terms these "ricks" and "face cords" are... 

The best part is if it is a law to sell only by the face cord then what about the Home Centers with the "Six Sticks For $6.99". Guess they work by different laws.
I told her that was a bit low even for my prices then she starts telling me that i get the wood free and i have a splitter so I dont have any money or work into this wood. I mention fuel and she says well it is comming down now:monkey: .
a rick, rank, rack, face, whatever the regional term... is a third of a cord
The best part is if it is a law to sell only by the face cord then what about the Home Centers with the "Six Sticks For $6.99". Guess they work by different laws.
Jeeze, some people just want something for nothing. If it were me, I'd tell her to save herself some money and find the wood/cut/split it herself if its so easy.![]()
Do you really mean "8x8x4" A full cord in all of the places I have lived is 4x4x8.
I've looked and havent found anything regarding the legal measure of firewood in Kansas. I'm not a lawyer but I know how much is in a PU bed, thrown stacked, piled or heaped if I put it on there. I sell them what they ask for and keep track of how much they get on the receipt. Keeps my can out of the sling.
Heres an intersting way to measure a cord of wood. I wonder if Kansas Weights and Measures might be interested in this ? It sure wouldn't fly in most states.
That's the way people sell wood in Spingfield Mo. also. I would go up there and they would call two rick of 18" wood a cord every time, I would tell them, no it's not, but did they care? So you can't compete with that. you say sell them a real cord and they will call back, but you have to charge more so you never make the first sale.
Up in Maine a cord is always a full cord 8x8x4. Old state law says it's illegal too sell wood in any other measure (except now by weight) I've heard of a rick, a kitchen cord, running cord, face cord, fencing cord, and country cord. All are 1/3 cord measure I guess? So yep pacman you've been giving them a good deal. Ya got too do something now that you're out of football :hmm3grin2orange: PS: by the the way, I guess the word cord comes from a greek word meaning a length of (you guessed it) cord used too wrap around and measure a pile of wood.
Now, I gotta get out and harvest some cordwood.
Around here everyone uses the term "rick". In fact most people dont even know what a cord is it seems. I normally cut my wood 16" and stack in sections 8,16,24' long each 8" seperated by a post. I had a woman stop week or so ago and told me she wanted to buy 12 "ricks" delivered throughout next summer. She then told me she knew it was a stack 4x8 and how ever long the buyer wanted it to be. I asked how long she wanted and said 24".She preceded to tell me that she was tired of being screwed and that she would never pay more then $50 dollars a rick. I told her that was a bit low even for my prices then she starts telling me that i get the wood free and i have a splitter so I dont have any money or work into this wood. I mention fuel and she says well it is comming down now:monkey: . I felt like telling her to go to well you know where but had to remember she was the mother of a old friend and I couldnt do it