TreeHouse Elder
What are those? Upside down trees? 
This is why the bowline is being phased out of Firefighter training in my area. That, and few opportunities to practice/use ropes, and (I guess I have to admit it) not always the best and the brightest on volunteer fire departments.Combine this with the fact that the...guy might not be so familiar with the knot. Then add a little bit of sense of urgency..., throw in some frustration and impatience....VIOLA!
This combo is what is taught to firefighters for raising or lowering equipment, such as long-handled tools, axes, and air bottles. I believe this is a very secure system and can't imagine it wouldn't be safe in tree work.The place I work now only a few use bowline most use clove hitch with a few half hitches which I think is disaster waiting to happen.
Originally posted by xtremetrees
Id like to rigg these buggers out
Originally posted by RescueMan
This combo is what is taught to firefighters for raising or lowering equipment, such as long-handled tools, axes, and air bottles. I believe this is a very secure system and can't imagine it wouldn't be safe in tree work.
- Robert