Rivers Great PNW Chainsaw adventure!!!

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When I was Younger!!!!!

and.... just how do you know that?? :monkey:

Now this is a true story,,, For real,,, I used to surf quite a bit 60's-80's and from time to time the beach would become inundated with crude oil tar balls I suppose from offshore production spills when environmental regs were less stringent well when you would walk on the beach going to a from the water a person would invariably get tar balls on their feet well they would make a mess of things to your board, and the car,,, pretty unpleasant,,,, well one day somebody was using baby oil for sun tanning and beings that baby oil is petroleum based it will break down tar balls and would clean it from your feet!!! You asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :spam: :spam: :spam:
I really enjoyed readin this thread River, amost like a good old fashioned road movie.

Sounds like them Stihl dealers are real funny characters, LOLOLOL..:laugh: :laugh:

Well Belgain I am glad it has been a good read for yas,,, There are really some first class folk here on Arborist site,,,, This forum is a one of a kind place here,,, it is generally wholesome entertainment and very informative and the technical info flows freely from many good highly qualified people who just like to have a good time,,, Ya just gotta figure out when to disregard the dumb stuff like brand bashing that invariably is going to happen.

It has been fun I must say there are many more good pics that I will post as time allows right now I have three 066's on the bench one is mine and two belong to my younger Bro.s will do some threads on the builds (with pix now) thanks to Lakeside,,, take care...

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Yes more pix tomorrow,,, forgot camera & laptop at day job,,, trying to finish two trip reports and two expense reports very time consumming,,,, and a contractor evaluation form?????
Later,,, :monkey: :monkey: :monkey:


Tell me about it. I hate filling out expense reports. Makes for a good office day though.
Tell me about it. I hate filling out expense reports. Makes for a good office day though.

Yeah but ive also been on the phone most of the day or emailing engineering trying to build a better mousetrap and improve our tooling build back to maintain spares..

Sheesh I'm pooped,,,,

G'day mate
Hey RB Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lake's being kind and not telling how the second tree ended up on the trailer....the first was nature's revenge....

my response woulda been that the guy whut dun it was a crazier arbolist than me, and technically not in my employ, as he's a bonafide :dizzy: sub contractor. and also hangs upside down in trees....

but also who dropped a dead tree kind of onto the garage..that was right behind that thar trailer.....

I am @ my bros, and wuz just showin him what I did this spring,,,,, I heard about the satellite dish,,,,,,,, ya got Andy's poor neighbors garage too???????

Check your PM's Roger,,,,,,

Great Tread!!!

This was one of the most enjoyable treads i've seen, not been here long and still readin' a lot of old stuff. hell of a bunch of great guys and gals on here
This was one of the most enjoyable treads i've seen, not been here long and still readin' a lot of old stuff. hell of a bunch of great guys and gals on here

Thanks Guy,,,,,

I've got more pics I just need to post them,,,,

You are right there is a great bunch of people here!!!!!!

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