Rivers Great PNW Chainsaw adventure!!!

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Oh yeh.... My good side...:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

POS... ...

Notice I'm up to my arm pits in filth... and Tom is , well.... dressed for church.... his next sale....:monkey:
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OK then,,,,Sheesh Chowdozer I don't know?????

You have to pick a favorite, no sitting on the fence! :cheers:

Its really not too easy,,, Andys shop has more used and project saws,,, hands down and is more directed to saws in general,,,,,,,+ a real 090

THALLS Haunt is a bit more diverse and has a larger product selection of the other OPE stuff and accessories/PPE out the wazooo,,, 50 feet worth actually
+ an 880

:monkey: :monkey: :monkey:
Hey River

No need to worry about who is top dog, west or east, you said it well, Lake and me both like what we do, simple as that. I'll getcha out that mess right now though and make it easy for ya. Let me be the first to say I wouldn't go up againist Lake tech wise in a 100 years, he's that good. On the flip side when it comes to selling I'll take on any man in the world, bringem on. The gift of gab is untouchable in the world of sales ole boy, you seen it with your own eyes, glad you enjoyed it.

Now that I gotcha out of the tug of war I can't wait to you come to Virginia again, I had a great time working with ya today. If not for you I would have killed a certain someone today, you know who I'm referring to, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr he drives me NUTS,, bless his old heart. Love him like a brother but I wish he stopped acting like my sister, you know what I mean,LOL

Last note ole boy, your pretty dayumm tech slick yourself, good job on the 028.
Oh yeh.... My good side...:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

POS... ...

Notice I'm up to my arm pits in filth... and Tom is , well.... dressed for church.... his next sale....:monkey:

Don't worry Lake, I love getting dirty. I'd love to hang out at your shop and work side by side with ya anytime. Only problem would be can you handle the gift of gab,LOL
Yeah, you know what i'm talking about that 041 and where it will sit one day.
I too will make that trip someday and come hang out and talk about STIHL stuff, cause hell the others just dont matter anyway.:censored: :rock:

Whats that ya say ole boy, durn it my batteries are dead in my hearing aids again,LOLOL

Smoking in the Building.??????

Whats that ya say, oh, I was only holding it, it was not lit, I did not inhale, I never tell a lie, (spare me oh LORD, they need not know),hehehehe
That's all you can do in Washington.. no smoking in a business or within 30 feet of a doorway either!

Guess I won't be seeing ya anytime soon..

My memory tells me that he has another one on his pick-up........:givebeer: :popcorn:

Husky upright ToolBox for his smallengine tech stuff in tha picture and I rode in tha truck,,np Orange saw to be seen,,, He does have a couple of Homeys though,,,check out the first few pixs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
My memory tells me that he has another one on his pick-up........:givebeer: :popcorn:

You be right there Sawtroll, I do gots me a big shiny, across the bed, Husky tool box on the truck. Thats all the advertising I'm gonna do for that outfit though,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
River you will be happy to know

That 028 we cleaned up and put seals in last nite, she's purring like a kitten now. I tossed it all back together this morning and she is running fine, good job ole boy, dayumm good job....
That's all you can do in Washington.. no smoking in a business or within 30 feet of a doorway either!

Guess I won't be seeing ya anytime soon..

Tant no problem Lake, I can set em aside anytime I need to. Though I smoke I never smoke around people that don't like it or in places where its not welcome. Guess you will have to try another method of keeping me here in Virginia huh,hehe
Hey I just noticed this post,, Those are Horticulturist tools!!!!!

Watch out for the meat cleavers above your head. Kinda looks like thr TX chainsaw massacre dudes shop :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

AndynCindy's Yard looks like a botanical garden,,,,seriously I am not exagerating one bit... They have really worked hard to make it look nice,,,,

They even have a hot house with fresh veggies, Salad material and herbs growing ,,,,,, :cool: :cool: :cool:
Never in my life have I tasted a salad so fresh it was literally like fluffy,,,,
air food or something, quite a treat really!!!! I have a few pix of it I will have to resize and upload later got to run and get back to work,,,,,
Don't worry Lake, I love getting dirty. I'd love to hang out at your shop and work side by side with ya anytime. Only problem would be can you handle the gift of gab,LOL

Careful with that "gift" - try it on some of my logging customers and it will get you tarred, feathered, and... :laugh: :laugh: hmmmm good idea!
you sure will go a long way for a buck.. so... now we know what you are, it's just a matter of price:buttkick: :popcorn: :popcorn:

LOL, the game of sales is a challenge Lake. They are trying to figure out a way to save a buck and I'm trying to figure out a way to makem spend them bucks. I get some pro's in here and your right, they are the tighest ones of the bunch but I cut them boys no slack, my line of attack is yaw don't saw trees down for nothing and we don't sell for nothing, usually we butt heads and come to a agreement after alot of laffing and yaking. River will tell ya I cut no one any slack on giving them hell but I do it in a fun way.

When all else fails its to the back room, one on one behind closed doors. River did ask me what all the screaming was coming from back there. It wasn't me I can tell ya that,:ices_rofl: :ices_rofl: