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Of'curse i did mean both kinds of bars; taverns and the 3 hots and a cot (un)kind...

i think he means like a HighwayMan's hitch to self for the hitch. There is also the obscure, rather distinctively Americano quick release fixed eye of the Spier Knot; as found on page 49/169pdf or 2-13 of the Army Rigging Field Manual. i've used both on lowering hear and thar; but mostly as a quick release on anchor end for 2:1 lowering (around branch rather than thru pulley) to ground or roof when no free hand(s) available; or must retrieve by self from high roof etc.. So as to lower; then quick release from anchor next to me; and retrieve line without help; and go again. Always a lil'sketchy about how tail might get snagged and release load if i lower with it on load. Guess i'm jest lil'chicken; as top of load is rather a protected position; and about all ways use Dyneema and Foins(Tom's suggestion for weight reduction on bad back; rather than 1" loops and steel krabs) as choker to DBY on end of line. Knot also gives stop on return up; especially when a pulley is used as redirect. Mebbe i should give Q/R loop on load another shot on frictional/non-pulley redirect/support...

Still luv'n the long lanyard; thanx a-gain; i remember thinkin "what's he talkin'bout; that sounds crazy..."; but ya said it enough i had to consider the source and play wit'it.:rock:

i've only had a few chances to top and swing from pine to pine in any kind of long succession; but it all ways kinda a kick to set up the billiard shots like that; and never touch ground. More likely to set up a rigging line in large upside down U/spread; and use it while on lifeline to draw to more positions quickly in oak etc. Of course; long lanyard trick comes in handy as safer slow down when swinging. If target is about 5' past line plumbed point; release lanyard about7' before to get enough swing to go almost 6' and slap lil'legs over target and then rollover to face target, bend line for leveraging self up onto target.

Wee still laugh about legs as big as my waist; and how a pair of such britches would make an inter-arresting sleeping bag fer both of'us!!
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i think he means like a HighwayMan's hitch to self for the hitch. There is also the obscure, rather distinctively Americano quick release fixed eye of the Spier Knot; as found on page 49/169pdf or 2-13 of the

It is kind of like those, but the highwayman is like a slippery clove or stilson. A slippery bo'lin is only finished off with a bight through at the end, you still have the overhand knot to untie.

It is kind of like the Spier in a running form, I might be adding one more daisy to the chain that one as a backup.

Always a lil'sketchy about how tail might get snagged and release load if i lower with it on load.

Like the highwayman it holds very well under load, and spills easilly when unloaded, well it may take a tug or two.

Still luv'n the long lanyard;

Yeah, it's like a second TIP, I have 3 sizes and may have another. The thing I love about friction hitch and rope for the lanyard is they change out so easily and you can salvage a cut line for a pine lanyard.

If target is about 5' past line plumbed point; release lanyard about7' before to get enough swing to go almost 6' and slap lil'legs over target and then rollover to face target, bend line for leveraging self up onto target.

That is where swing can become a slam very easy :eek:

Wee still laugh about legs as big as my waist; and how a pair of such britches would make an inter-arresting sleeping bag fer both of'us!!

:laugh: Maybe I'll have to send you a pair of my old camie (BDU's for you army pukes) bottoms. sew the ankles and you have a double mummy bag, warm weather.

Though I'm carrying more lard then I was in those days, and less meat. I was in the single digit bodyfat back then and could not fit into normal clothes.