You Gain About 20% Air After Splitting Rounds
On the average, your volume increases about 20% after you split the rounds. That's how much air you collect.
But, it all depends on the average size of the rounds, the average size of the splits, and how well you packed the truck.
Try this to simulate it. Pack a mason jar with full-grown carrots, each cross cut about 3" long. Then dump them out and cut the carrots into French fry size. Now try to pack the jar again. You will never get all the French fry carrots back into the jar.
I have also done this several times with actual wood rounds. I can haul a truckload of big rounds to a log splitter, split them all, and never get the split firewood logs back into the truck, regardless of how well I pack it.
On the average, your volume increases about 20% after you split the rounds. That's how much air you collect.
But, it all depends on the average size of the rounds, the average size of the splits, and how well you packed the truck.
Try this to simulate it. Pack a mason jar with full-grown carrots, each cross cut about 3" long. Then dump them out and cut the carrots into French fry size. Now try to pack the jar again. You will never get all the French fry carrots back into the jar.
I have also done this several times with actual wood rounds. I can haul a truckload of big rounds to a log splitter, split them all, and never get the split firewood logs back into the truck, regardless of how well I pack it.