run-ins with the law

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The realtors are in on the "fix." They'll fight any attempt at having disclosure laws passed. When my Dad used to fly small planes, they'd start building houses near the end of the run way, airport after airport, and sure enough, a couple years after the houses went in, the airports got shut down for "safety." My Dad's theory was that the realtors were telling the potential buyers to write letters to the local gov't to get the airport shut down because it happened too many times to be coincidence.

It sounds like the same thing with the race tracks near the new homes. My guess is the realtors are telling potential buyers "Oh, don't worry 'bout that track, they'll be out of business soon..." and if not, write some letters...
i have a good one. has any one ever been chewed out for driving your tractor too fast??? needless to say we just went the other direction.
only 40mph.:dizzy: :censored:

Gottin the finger several times for slowing up traffic. I drove a Deer "4030 I think" right through Wichita, Ks. Frontend loader, brushhog and just smiled and wavied at all the azzholes. Also took a fully loaded 10wheeler through a Taco Tico drive through once. :clap:
a nieghbor of mine sent me an annonomous letter about my dog barking, which after setting up some video equipment, i found he barked about 3 times a day. i am 90% sure it is the stupid real estate agent(woman) next door to me. this is from standing at my house, and using process of elimination. i talk with all my other nieghbors except her, and feel i have a decent enough relationship with them where as they would come tell me if they had a problem with my dog. about a year later i get a letter from her, about wanting to cut down the tree that is on the property line, but most likely on my property. she says she can have a guy come tomorrow, if WE pay him cash. or he can just trim (read-hack up) her side for, get this, a fence installation. hmmm, i wonder who sent me the letter. i told her nobody but my buddy (certified tree guy, with insurance) is going to cut down a huge tree 15' from my house.
she tends to hire people to work on her house that get "dropped off" in the morning.
I would not refuse a hungry person food if i had it to spare,but try to take it by force,and they would meet a well armed force, and i dont mean 22s and shotguns...........:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

GOSH you wouldn't mean a 172gr BTHP traveling at around 3000 FPS would you? Gee that might be from a dangerous "Sniper Rifle".........

LMAO! Good post!

They can have my guns...........all they gotta' do is come and get them....................<GRIN>
Originally Posted by Tazman1602 View Post
GOSH you wouldn't mean a 172gr BTHP traveling at around 3000 FPS would you? Gee that might be from a dangerous "Sniper Rifle".........

LMAO! Good post!

They can have my guns...........all they gotta' do is come and get them....................

1/4 mile of dirt road through a cedar swamp. Sitting on high ground with 633gr BMG 50 12x60 scope.


After 20 years working construction I am more comfortable peeing off the deck than trying to aim my hose into a porcelain pot :cheers:


And I don't call in the neighbor that has his kids running 2-cycle bikes up and down the sidewalk at all hours.

I did, after the parents wouldd not ddo anything about it.

I am frustrated that the city/police won't tell me exactly who it is that is calling this stuff in, because they don't want a feud. And I can't claim harassment because technically I am breaking the law.[/QUOTE]

I thought we had a right to know our accuser, once they find the pile iss in compliance will they tell you?

Sanborn's on the POS laptop that doens not give his wife aany problems...
I thought we had a right to know our accuser, once they find the pile iss in compliance will they tell you?

I would think that is a public record right? There must be paperwork down by the police department on it from the complainant. If nothing else a record from the "run" card(or MDT) that would have been issued by the dispatcher for the officer to respond to. I suggest trying to use the public information act to speak with the Information Officer or dispatcher at the PD or if you live in a big enough town, the community liaision officer.

Good Luck

Chit land

I got my doubt's this would work. They'd come up with some sort of "Eco Plan" that would say "We're saving the planet" and all the enviromentalist would jump to their cause. Somthing better might be a wavior stating they are aware before they bought the property of it's Fixtures, gun club, hog farm, dairy farm, farm in general, current residents and their "standards of operation". Basicaly limiting them to recourse if they don't like their new inviroment. It's funny how they don't sue their Realtor for indisclosure.

Id like to own the property on both sides of these yuppies, Id spread Chit on this side today, and CHIT on the other side tommorow, OK Men follow threw, CHIT here,. CHIT there,..All natural fertilization, ya no,..E,J,
Id like to own the property on both sides of these yuppies, Id spread Chit on this side today, and CHIT on the other side tommorow, OK Men follow threw, CHIT here,. CHIT there,..All natural fertilization, ya no,..E,J,

Alittle chit everywhere! How'd I do Cabin? Make's me laugh, remembering coming home from the hog farm. My "City girl" wife would ask "What is that smell?" Oh honey that's my new cologne "Natural essencts of Hog chit"
that there is the ever beutiful turd hearse!

Now remember we're trying to be enviromentlyl friendly. It'a a highly technical device used to distribute natural eco freindly, bacteria, enzimes, acids, and bulk bi-products, back to the earth, to be used by all plants as fertlizer. LOL
Yep same deal up the road from me. People let two German shepherds loose (after numerous warnings) and they tore up the neighbor's sheep, and killed his hearding dog too! These people have no :censored: clue and were surprised when the guy took them too court.

Straight from the source. Was about 3 years ago. New people move to country, let their two dogs run. Dogs tear up a couple LLamas including one Kria. Owner shoots both dogs. Calls the people and tells them the good news including the cost of replacement.

People ask "can we talk to the investigating officer"

Reply "I AM the investigating officer".

That she was. Stands about 5'3' and barely registers on a scale. Her and the 40mm are nothing to sneeze at. Very hard to top her on the range.

I fielded several calls while I was dispatching about dogs chasing animals. The callers were always surprised when my asnwer was "shoot them". "We can do that!"? Yep.

Harry K