I'm glad you like the ryobi as I like their cordless and power tools very much and I had a chance to run a 435 and had to say I was impressed with it and actually put it just a half step behind a 211 but a very good value nonetheless. Heres my negative speech and not towards you just in general. I see post like this and ask myself if joe blow with 5 post would have said that the ryobi was the greatest thing since the 361 for it's price he would have been laughed off the site. I have also gotten to know the manager of the local home depot through a mutual friend and got to talking as to why they aren't carrying that saw anymore yet carry all things ryobi? Of course he didn't have an answer at the time but sent me an e-mail after talking with the ryobi rep and some other stores and the answer was they just weren't dependable and the inconveniences out weighed the profit of carrying it. Actually as much as poulan and homelite have went to crap that they were in fact dependable for homeowner use. I don't doubt that they are a decent little saw I just have a hardtime beleiving that they didn't skip a major corner or 2 for the price curve vs supposed semi pro quality . This is not a knock on your decision to own or purchase one, but am blown away by how easy people will fall for the punch bowl of kool aid. I can't wait till I get 10'000 post to see if I can start a cult following of the trusted eager beaver. THAT IS ALL!
Didn't Husky buy ot Redmax? You'll most likely see the same saw rebadged as a Husky if Husky can spend that much money one one of thier homeowner saws, maybe they'll label it a pro saw. Then you'll be crowing how well made it is. Steve