Old saw guru
031132003 is a 143 piston, 031132001 is also. Neither is makita far as i know they are both 2 ring. I think one is thin ring and one thick ring. They interchange.
They interchange. I think the 003 was intended for the 343 concrete saw so it had thicker rings where the 143 had thinner rings. I could be wrong, but i do know they interchange without any issue. And both were for dolmar.Huska, do you know if 031132001 and 031132003 are the same? Was told the 001 is Dolmar and 003 is Makita but they are the same
Thanks, per the exploded view the 001 is the piston assembly for the 143. I was given the other #, but I think you are right because the view does shows 2 different thickness rings, 1.5mm and 1.2 mm031132003 is a 143 piston, 031132001 is also. Neither is makita far as i know they are both 2 ring. I think one is thin ring and one thick ring. They interchange.
Just found complete NOS package; piston,pin,clips,and rings. Thanks for your help
Dredged up I’m the needy soulWell, I made a puller from 1/4" plate by drilling 3 holes and using Stihl t27 brake handle bolts (M5x35mm) and it popped off no sweat. It is a tapered shaft with no keyway, you would think it would slip, but apparently not.
So there you have it! I'll let this tiny thread slip off into oblivion, only to be dredged up someday by a needy soul.![]()
I've yet to try a 7900 OEM on one, but have done a Husky 272 top end on a 116si.
Good morning guys,
I thought I'd ask the experts in this forum. I know almost nothing about dolmars but I came across this.View attachment 831187 I was wondering if anyone knew the model or range of model this saw is in. Also, is it a "pro" saw. Looking for a good project saw. Any advice is appreciated!
I ended up picking up this and a Husky 254 for 100 bucks. Both need TLC but I think I got a good deal. Pics later.Looks like its from the 116si - 120si family of saws, does it have the flip over lever choke? Very much a PRO level saw, tough as nails and I have years of production forest cutting with them.
Sorry, check in the chainsaw trading post. I have pics up in there. The dolmar 116 is beyond repair. I should've looked at it closer. I was in a rush on my lunch break. It does look like a very well built saw that would be easy to work on. Might be some parts for someone though. I don't want to start a dolmar parts collection! The husky feels like it has awesome compression. I'm going to go through it and make an assessment later this week.It's later...
To me they are, around these parts I pick up any SD that I can. Any good condition 100 series SD is worth $100- $150 in parts alone.Is a 103 worth much? I see one for sale locally (non running).
Our two main member dealers are out of commission. Maybe try Boyd’s in Dresser, WI. They treated me well when I bought a saw there a while back.I am in need of a few parts for my Dolmar 7900 such as the brake handle, air filter(s), air filter cover, and clutch/drum. I would prefer new OEM if possible. Do we have any dealers here that I can turn to?