Sachs Dolmar Chainsaws Thread

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Hey Superdolmar!

Welcome to the site, you will find alot of familiar names and some faces(saws) here as well!

Brian and Tina
Well I got home tonight and the box with the 166 was on my porch. I opened it rather quickly and found the starter rope very easy to pull. That scared me a bit, so I took it out the the shop and removed the cover, no spark plug. Hmm, and where the plug seal at the top is messed up as in some metal is missing like it got too hot and tried to burn through by the plug. I tested the compression and it's at 40, me not happy. next I go to pull the cylinder off and see a lot of what looks like old filter material in the intake. Quite a bit and it's like an 1/8 inch or more. I pull the cylinder and it is perfect except for one big gouge on the intake side. The piston has major aluminum transfer and the gouge to match the cylinder, plus it has a crown and looks like the top got very hot at one point.
Since you have a number of these saws I would like to ask a few questions of you. Do you know of any pistons and or cylinders available ( I figure NLA). Can I have the gouge rewelded and replate the cylinder? Will any other piston work? I could probably have the piston rewelded and turned down but the cylinder is Nikasil plated is is not?
Well I got home tonight and the box with the 166 was on my porch. I opened it rather quickly and found the starter rope very easy to pull. That scared me a bit, so I took it out the the shop and removed the cover, no spark plug. Hmm, and where the plug seal at the top is messed up as in some metal is missing like it got too hot and tried to burn through by the plug. I tested the compression and it's at 40, me not happy. next I go to pull the cylinder off and see a lot of what looks like old filter material in the intake. Quite a bit and it's like an 1/8 inch or more. I pull the cylinder and it is perfect except for one big gouge on the intake side. The piston has major aluminum transfer and the gouge to match the cylinder, plus it has a crown and looks like the top got very hot at one point.
Since you have a number of these saws I would like to ask a few questions of you. Do you know of any pistons and or cylinders available ( I figure NLA). Can I have the gouge rewelded and replate the cylinder? Will any other piston work? I could probably have the piston rewelded and turned down but the cylinder is Nikasil plated is is not?

Did you not know about this damage prior to throwing
$450.00 for it. Your looking at a very expensive repair.
Post some pic's.

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It will be interesting to see how karma ends up playing out in this deal since that was such a focus of the seller's listing.

Sawfun, I hope you find some resolution. That's really gotta suck.
Yea, I wished I hadn't done the deal now, however I did what I did because every time I see one come up it seems the thing gets pulled from the auction. I figured if I was going to get one of these saws I'd have to get to it before some one else did it again. The saw was supposed to have good compression, that wasn't true obviously, but that doesn't matter much now. I'll just move forward and get it fixed and at least when I'm done I'll have a good saw.
Yea, I wished I hadn't done the deal now, however I did what I did because every time I see one come up it seems the thing gets pulled from the auction. I figured if I was going to get one of these saws I'd have to get to it before some one else did it again. The saw was supposed to have good compression, that wasn't true obviously, but that doesn't matter much now. I'll just move forward and get it fixed and at least when I'm done I'll have a good saw.

Kind of hard for me to feel sorry for you on this one. I too have been looking for a decent 166 (with no luck) Two wrongs do not make it right, but like the old boys say "if you swim with the fish, you will come out smelling like one"
Well, sometimes your the dog, and sometimes your the hydrant. You just move on from there. I've never wanted anybody to fell sorry for me at any time in my life, and I don't feel a bit guilty for how I bought the saw. The seller said they had 20 people in line behind me asking the same thing. Well that was probably and exaggeration but I'm sure there were a few who were gonna do the same thing I did, I just got there first. Sure I would like to have seen the auction go through, but it wasn't gonna happen, as I've witnessed in the past on these saws. As it turns out the cylinder is going to be fine, I had it checked out by a small engine sleeve specialist, and more good news came out of this. He can put a decomp on my 1985 cr500 which was almost useless as it has incredibly difficult to start. So sorry, trying to shame me doesn't work. Let me ask you this, if you bought a $1000 dollar ms660 at a garage sale for $50 did you cheat the seller or other buyers?
Well, sometimes your the dog, and sometimes your the hydrant. You just move on from there. I've never wanted anybody to fell sorry for me at any time in my life, and I don't feel a bit guilty for how I bought the saw. The seller said they had 20 people in line behind me asking the same thing. Well that was probably and exaggeration but I'm sure there were a few who were gonna do the same thing I did, I just got there first. Sure I would like to have seen the auction go through, but it wasn't gonna happen, as I've witnessed in the past on these saws. As it turns out the cylinder is going to be fine, I had it checked out by a small engine sleeve specialist, and more good news came out of this. He can put a decomp on my 1985 cr500 which was almost useless as it has incredibly difficult to start. So sorry, trying to shame me doesn't work. Let me ask you this, if you bought a $1000 dollar ms660 at a garage sale for $50 did you cheat the seller or other buyers?

What goes around, comes around.

Good luck with your saw. As for your question, I would have cheated neither the seller nor the future buyers. You on the other hand broke the rules of your ebay membership, as did the seller. What ever you feel is up to you, justice has been served.
Finally got a video done. All I can say is, WOW!

Sorry for the video quality and the size of the wood. It's all I got.

Finally got a video done. All I can say is, WOW!

Sorry for the video quality and the size of the wood. It's all I got.

Don't be sorry Steve. We do the best with what God gives us!:hmm3grin2orange:

Looks and sounds great. What a beast. Glad you went with .404. I like how you have it tuned. Burbles until it gets a load on it, then just cleans up. That'll help the expensive P/C last a LONG time.:clap:
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A note on the video. I mentioned it somewhere so if it was here, I apologize but that "branch" I'm cutting came off of an 85" DBH Silver Maple I have it my backyard. It broke off about 15' from the trunk and what came down was still over 60'. After I finish getting split up, I get to restack the 4 cords it knocked over.
A note on the video. I mentioned it somewhere so if it was here, I apologize but that "branch" I'm cutting came off of an 85" DBH Silver Maple I have it my backyard. It broke off about 15' from the trunk and what came down was still over 60'. After I finish getting split up, I get to restack the 4 cords it knocked over.

That just sucks!
A note on the video. I mentioned it somewhere so if it was here, I apologize but that "branch" I'm cutting came off of an 85" DBH Silver Maple I have it my backyard. It broke off about 15' from the trunk and what came down was still over 60'. After I finish getting split up, I get to restack the 4 cords it knocked over.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!:D