Poplar not best hinging wood; but in general...
Have the inline to fall, squared to face, across narrow part of hinge as aligned axis(cos)
>>then the cross-axis along the length of hinge(sine)
Would use rope, and then tap wedge as anti sitback/safety.
Would not look to bull dawg to ground, with tractor full force, but use much more finesse than METERED force.
PLEASE, are looking to tip scales to lightly flow correctly, not break scales..
>>for one thing as load system with tractor pull, that is then a greater loaded power axis
>>and if something (rope) overloads as fuse, can even fold backwards like standing behind breach end of rocket launcher
Can instead look to force stronger hinge with fake load of forward pull
>>since hinge thickness as a strength is a response to pulls on that axis
Then alter shape of hinge to Tapered Hinge
>>fat side to counter(what Dent's manual calls off-side) the side lean as a ballast against the side lean(removing side lean from equation more)
>>so then the fall only reveals the forward force on target axis (assuming NOT backleaner)
Also note compressed part of hinge is pivot, so some of the force leaning towards target, some away on that inline to face axis
>>so partially depends on how much hinge as pivot undermines the CoG as force
But for sideleans favor greatest breadth of hinge across generally at center of tree
>>as reach for to undermine CoG more, past the center risks less sideLean control in trade then..
>>only need to convince the part on the far side of hinge pivot to go home to target
>> which is automatic if Center of Gravity(CoG) is past the pivot,
>>but still best to give some pull to thicker hinge, especially if try to use Tapered Hinge, to empower it more.
Force hinge stronger as if rope pull is 80# backpack to exercise stronger
>>then rope goes slack as fall starts and now have fatter exercised hinge with less leveraged load on it.
Would look to place rope at side to side balanced position for balanced pull
>>above CoG to take leverage over it, but gripping firm rigidity of spar
>>no wind, for even friendly wind can shift
And have overwhelming force available, but w/bear force be Gentle Ben of only judiciously metering force from force pool, not running scared with it overloading the circuit.
This is a feel, as well as an understanding.
Really, should get enough leverage higher than CoG that 2 men can effect properly, if not then 3/1 pulley(rolling levers) jig as input for them against tree.
>>so scared tractor use is serious overload of force
BarberChair is from too slow of fall or closing too early in face(or mix of both)
>>especially in brittle wood....
Closing of face too early can happen across breath of face especially if slant and horizontal cut not machined square
>>you do NOT want to create a face within a face that internal /ruling face closes very early
>>not much speed and not much lean as factors to not be committed to fall and fail instead of throw cleanly thru riskiest part of fall.
Fail can be from a fight that overrules the constitution of the spar as a container
>>of part of tree needing to rush forward and dead stop of that close in face, getting a split decision /BC.
>>2 bad azzes in the ring, neither ever been beat, neither giving up any ground and at matched stall against each other, something has to give and it can be the tree itself.
If specifically allow the horizontal cut to bypass the slanted can get the close vertically on the vertical fiber columns for a dead stop !!
Classic: The Fundamentals of General Tree Work by G.F. Beranek /hosted by Educated Climber.com
Great: Tree_Felling_Presentation.pdf
Article: Tree Care Industry: Greater Falling Accuracy Using the Tapered Hinge
Mini course:
COURSE IN REDUCED-IMPACT LOGGING: Chainsaw Use, Safety Practices & Directional Tree Felling Techniques
YouTube: Tree Felling Don't Become a Statistic (~8.30 in felling cuts)
Previous Thread:standard-rectangular-strip-vs-tapered-triangular-hinge-when-sidelean
VERY counter-intuitively look at sideLean managed by hinge,
and rope pull not against sideLean really (at all except in extreme); as so much forward to force hinge stronger
>>think of model of pulling to side some against side lean babying hinge weaker
>>then as rope goes slack that side load that was relieved jumps back with impact possibly.
Look at as if to NOT work rope to make better hinge to then run show
>>is leaving hinge multiplier out of the multiplier chain....
The geometric shape change of the hinge would be more correct against side load in any material
>>Tapered hinge even works in tree, fat end up against gravity to get more horizontal sweep sideways off house, into rig etc. from more horizontal limbs.
>>Even some in bucking, all are same model at different angles, but SAME angle against the side force to target in all....