Sap Remover

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ArboristSite Member
Apr 6, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I'm sure that this question has been asked before. What do you guys use to remove (as much as possible) pine pine pitch and sap sap from your lines without using harsh detergents?
I know that there is nothing that will remove pitch completely but do you have any suggestions?
For your hands and hair, mineral spirits will take it right off...though I don't know how good it would be for your ropes!
howabout mayonnaise!

Well one day the crew was sitting around for lunch and one of the other climbers had gotten his hands all pitched up from working a dougy fir with no gloves. A blotch of mayonnaise came out of his sandwhich onto his hand and left the cleanest spot! Now his wife tells me she gets the pitch off his ropes with mayo though I'm not sure if she's serious or not.

For me I just wash my ropes in a front loading washer with a trace amount of mild detergent and they come out good as new. Not sure that you need the magic bullet you're looking for.
