ms 200 is pound for pound the best saw ever made in the history of chainsaws. I have double wide buckets on both my aerial trucks and have scabbords on both sides. I can put wood in the bucket and scabbord my saw on either side. When I get to big wood I may have both the ms200 and a 460 or 660 at the same time then eventually send/take down the 200. I like to be able to lean against the bucket wall whenever without a saw or scabbord sticking in my side/ribs while cutting.
It is all about speed and non damaging free fall cuts. Lowering is for chumps and crews with rake leaners. 2 men is all that is needed on any job.
Most of my day is one handed cuts, slicing while holding. If anyone says "oh that guy is not safe.....wah wah wah....blah blah blah....they don't produce schit and they are posers. The biggest skill to the high production td guy is one handing cutting. Can't one hand cut without a top handle saw. Can't make much dinero without one hand cutting. Sometimes I am one hand cutting from dawn to dusk. If you don't I make way more money with my 2 man crew than you do with your 3 or 4 man crew. :msp_razz: